Orange County NC Website
056 <br /> 4mANGE COUNTY, NCRTH CAROL..., <br /> APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT <br /> Date : Aprit <br /> TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br /> The undersigned do hereby make application to change the Zoning At Las of <br /> Orange County as hereinafter requested . <br /> i . The property is Located an the aide of S .R . # <br /> ( Street/Road] between S .R . # and <br /> .See S .R . # . It is known as - Lot (s) BLock of <br /> Attached) Orange County Tax Map Township . It has a frontage <br /> of feet and a depth of _feetp and contains <br /> square feet or acres . <br /> 2. It is desired and requested that the foregoing, property be rezoned <br /> from AR to AS , <br /> 3 .• = The foLWwing Information has barn _ attached . .in__ support of the <br /> application for changing -- the Zoning Attas f* — required on aLl <br /> app Lications) . <br /> (See *a. A fully dimensioned map at a *veto of not lost than one (tl inch <br /> squats one—hundred (100) fast flop Mora then one (1) inch •quell <br /> Attached) twenty 1201 feet '-showiirg "tifa Land a"ice is proposed to be <br /> rezoned. <br /> *b. A legal description of She land proposed to be rezoned. <br /> •t. A statement of Justification addressing one Sr More sf tha <br /> followings <br /> (1) The stleged error in the Zoning ordinance, if any, which <br /> would be corrected by the proposed amendment with a detailed <br /> eaptanation of such error in the Zoning Atlas and detailed <br /> reasons how the prapoeed emandeent will aerrect the error. <br /> (Z) The changed or changing conditions. if any, in the are@ or <br /> in the county genartlty, which make the proposed a*end■ant <br /> reasonably necessary to the promotion of the public health, <br /> aafety and gonaraL welfare. <br /> . A W The canner in which the proposed amendment witL carry out <br /> the intent and purpose of the adopted Land Use plan or part <br /> thereof. <br /> *(a) ALL other cirausetances, fea:ars and reasons which the <br /> applicant afters in suopsrt of the proposed amendment <br /> inatuding, but not Limited to, documentation from service <br /> soonaito (a.g. fire, polio@, rescue and utiLitias agenai@e) <br /> @eourint services proviaion capability to the development. <br /> d. A List of ell Individuate, firs* or corporations owning property <br /> adjoining or within five hundred (1001 peat of the property <br /> SquQb or rezoning is attached. The List is Current @@ of <br /> (4/47.94 <br /> a3 <br /> I certify that. sLL information furnished in this application is accurate <br /> to the best of my know Ledge . • <br /> App Li cant(s} :Orange Wacer & Sewer Authority <br /> Address ; P.O. Box 366 r B' Ex c D rector. <br /> _ Carrboro, NC 27510 _ <br /> Phana ; (919)_968-4421_ - <br />