Orange County NC Website
• C3 ; <br /> PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH <br /> ESTABLISHMENT OF ECONOhUC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS <br /> L Amend Article 4.119 - DL%rit.•s Statements of Intent and Application Criteria (EM== Development CM) <br /> -G District] by revising it to read as follows(wording to be deleted shown in seriks 1w new wording shown <br /> ,u14 in boldface): <br /> Ecarsomic De mlopmew(ED)District <br /> a laterut <br /> Ths purposs of the Economic Development(ED)District is m Provide locations for a wide range of <br /> latriwraweiy light irtduserial,i+eeailwiewai, oiavbrsaWN files spot gym,and Awsw A swierlretail <br /> uses Fla spy typically includes <br /> ' tali deed oaam•ueaed mid M0*1 rd as sWmbk Ar we as macs but able to <br /> aaooaRmodare adur mom ai.,warehouse,shoeoraom,marat�bd rirsZ asrbisbly or dMilm•aprr don. . <br /> Sts wens hone bean aarreacd for MarUmk daxdgwmu mtd are located <br /> a dja mw m interstame mid mgor aftrial hi jlir cW& Z'hq we=*ad b speaal deown Mama arsd <br /> Poformmnee amndards used m minimise impacts beyond the span ammied by die use. <br /> b. <br /> Application Criteria <br /> C- This district will usually be applied where du fallouW ao Wsac is adst; <br /> I. Bile The district is hated ao jawU to a Federal Interstate MghuMS <br /> or a xbq* menial rood aai <br /> ?7us citeaeriet is lacaaed oueside of the Chapel Hill • Cmrboro Rural Buffer area as <br /> du4nated in the adopard Comprvisnaive Plms <br /> 3. <br /> A mom 2U site Jbbq t shall aiot be located within`•Ae aidmi mss of a designated water <br /> supply waftrMed <br /> Urban services, such as tooter mid saver mains, are dtsirabie but not required if acceptable <br /> aliernadL= are atmlable. <br /> i�iw�i)► <br /> 2. Amend Article 4.3 •Table of Permitted Uses by deleting the list of permitted uses and providing the following <br /> D• notation in the ED rawr. <br /> Rgir to Ardek 6.29-Dax1gwn=t Sundw*for Fmyamic Deorlepatatt(ED)Districts. <br /> 3. Amend Article 5.1.2 - Establishrment of Dimensional Requirements (Schedule for Non-Residential <br /> D. Development) by deleting the exsting standards and providing the following notation in the ED row: <br /> Ram to Amick 6.29-Dackpmw Stmtdards for F.c,ortoimk Development(ED)Udr cts. <br />