Orange County NC Website
0 <br />Orange County, North Carolina <br />Marcfi 24, 2008 <br />Page 3 <br />Orange County, North Carolina's Responsibilities <br />Management is responsible for the financial statements, including adjusting the financial statements to correct <br />material misstatements, and for making all financial records and related information available to us. Management is <br />responsble for provid'mg us with a written management representation letter confirming certain representations made <br />during the course of our audit of the financial statements and affirming to us that it believes the effects of any <br />uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period <br />presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole and to <br />the opinion units of the financial statements. <br />Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective Internal control over financial reporting and far <br />informing us of all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of such controls of <br />which it has knowledge. <br />Management is responsible far identifying and ensuring that the entity complies wrth the laws and regulations <br />applicable to i[s activities, and for informing us about ail known material violations of such laws or regulations. In <br />.addition, management is responsible for the design and implementation of,ptograms and controls to prevent and <br />detect fraud, and for informing us about ail known or suspected fraud affecting the entity involving management <br />employees who have significant roles in internal control and others where the fraud cauid have a material effect on <br />-- -the financial statements. Management is also responsble far informing us of its knowledge of any aliegatians of <br />fraud or suspected fraud affecting the entity received in communications from employees, former employees, <br />analysts, regulators, orothers. . <br />Management is atsa responsible for (a}making us aware of sign'~ftcant vendor relationships where the vender is <br />responsible for program compliance, (b) following up and taking corrective action ~on audit findings, including the <br />preparation of a summary schedule of prior audit findings, and a corrective action plan, and (c) report distribution <br />~inciuding submitting the reporting packages. <br />The Board of County Commissioners are responsible far informing us of its views abaut the risks of fraud within the <br />entity, and its knowledge of any fraud or suspected fraud affecting the entity. <br />The County agrees that our report on the financial statements will not to be included in an official statement or other <br />document invohred with the sale of debt instruments wdhout our prior consent. Additionally, if the County intends to <br />publish or otherwise reproduce the financial statements and/or make reference to us or our audit, you agree to <br />provide us wrth printer's proofs or a maste"r for our review and consent before reproduction and/or release occurs. <br />'You also agree to provide us with a copy of the final reproduced material for our consent'befor~e it'is distn'buted or <br />released. Our fees for any additional services that may be required under our quality assurance system as a result of <br />the above wilt be established with you at the time such services are determined to be necessary. In the event our <br />auditor/client n;lationstiip has'been'temiinated when the Organization seeks such consent, we wr"fi ~be under na <br />obligation to grant such consent or approval. <br />Our professional standards require that we perform certain additional procedures, on current and previous years' <br />engagements, whenever a partner or professional employee leaves the firm and is subsequently employed by or <br />associated with a client. Accordingly, the County agrees it will compensate McGladrey & Pullen, LLP for any <br />additional costs incurred as a result ofthe employmerd of a partner or professional employee ofi~rlcGladrey'8~'Puilen, <br />LLP. <br />