Orange County NC Website
4. Amendments Related to Open Spam/Development Area Proposals <br /> a. Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments <br /> 1) Section 4.1 - Overview of Implementation Strategies [band Use Element <br /> Categories/Zoning District Matrix (Open Space Development Zoning <br /> District)] <br /> b. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments <br /> 1) Article 4.2.6- Open Space Development (OSD) District <br /> 2) Article 4.3 - Permitted Use Table (Open Space Development District) <br /> 3) Article 5.1.1 -Dimensional Requirements for Residential Development <br /> (Open Space Development District) <br /> 4) Article 6.30 -Development Standards for Open Space Development (OSD) <br /> Districts <br /> 5) Article 22 - Definitions (Open Space Development Area) <br /> C. Subdivision Regulations Text Amendments <br /> 1) Section IV-B-12 - Open Space Developments <br /> 5. Other Zoning Atlas Amendments <br /> a. Z-2-94 Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br /> b. Z-3-94 Bobby Kirk <br /> 6. Other Subdivision Regulations Teat Amendments <br /> a. Amendments to Allow Private Roads in Minor Subdivisions <br /> 1) Section II-Definitions (Minor Subdivisions) <br /> 2) Section IIIB- Classification of Subdivisions <br /> 3) Section III-C-4 -Action Subsequent to Approval (Public Road Dedication) <br /> b. Section IV-B-4 -Private Road Justification Criteria <br /> D. ADJOURNMENT <br /> Note: The Planning Board will make a recommendation no sooner than its meeting of <br /> June 20, 1994. The Board of Commissioners will consider the items for decision <br /> no sooner than August S, 1994. <br />