Orange County NC Website
hereby authorized to approve changes in such Official Statement, to <br /> approve such Supplement and to execute such Official Statement and <br /> such Supplement for and on behalf of the Issuer. <br /> Section 8 . The Letter of Representations, as requested <br /> by DTC in connection with the issuance of the Bonds and in the form <br /> presented at this meeting, is hereby approved, and the Finance <br /> Director of the Issuer is hereby authorized to complete and execute <br /> such Letter of Representations and to deliver the same to DTC for <br /> and on' behalf of the Issuer. <br /> Section 9 . This resolution shall take effect upon its <br /> passage. <br /> Upon motion of Commissioner Gordon seconded by <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis , the foregoing resolution entitled: <br /> "RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $30, 000, 000 SCHOOL BONDS, <br /> SERIES 1994" was passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Commissioners Carey, Gordon, Halkiotis, Insko and <br /> Willhoit <br /> Noes: NONE <br /> I, Beverly Blythe, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners <br /> for the County of Orange, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that <br /> the foregoing has been carefully copied from the actually recorded <br /> minutes of said Board at a regular meeting held on May 17, 1994 , <br /> the record having been made in Minute Book 27 of the minutes of <br /> said Board beginning at page and ending at page and <br /> 22 <br />