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Attachment 1 H <br /> Rural Character Stucy <br /> Committee Report 1/ 93 <br /> NOTES FOR DISCUSSION ON "SLIDING SCALE" GUIDELINES <br /> FOR ,,THE CALCULATION OF OPEN SPACE <br /> Rural Character Study Committee Meeting Dec. 17, 1992 <br /> Carole L. Crumley <br /> • strict 25-50-75% categories do not allow needed <br /> flexibility for future uses <br /> • clearly, some open space is more desirable than other <br /> open space, but to a great extent this is culturally <br /> determined <br /> • based on previously arrived at definitions of rural <br /> character, can the RCSC agree on what categories of <br /> impact should be monitored? Some possibilities: <br /> sensory impact : <br /> aural (birdsong, threshing machine, go-cart track) <br /> visual (ducks on a pond, driving range, water slide) <br /> olfactory (new-mown hay, piglot, sewage treatment plant) <br /> use-value: "open space should not have a negative environmental <br /> impact on surrounding areas" (quote from public hearing) . If we <br /> adopted the spirit of this comment, we would have to ensure that <br /> proposed open space not violate: <br /> noise restrictions <br /> preservation of wildlife habitats <br /> a "rural " definition of visual attractiveness <br /> maintenance of water quality <br /> restrictions on terrain modification <br /> landscape integrity <br /> expected traffic patterns <br /> etc. <br /> Thus, candidate open space could pass scrutiny by having the <br /> develope.-r submit to the Planning Board plans, models, and drawings , <br /> applicable research on other similar use/areas, anticipatory <br /> studies of traffic patterns, noise and water pollution levels , <br /> etc. , which would allow proposed open space in each development to <br /> be considered on its own merits and in the proposed geographic and <br /> cultural context . Open space allowances in developments over 100 <br /> ( 50? ) units would be subject to review in an open meeting of the <br /> Planning Board or in public hearing. <br /> Committee recommendation: Staff to use these ideas in linking open-space quality to <br /> adopted development options of Committee - incorporate in implementation phase. <br />