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• 17 <br /> RESOLUTION AUTHORIZLNG COMNIN.-rS TO THE ORANGE COLINIM BOA" OF <br /> COMMISSIONERS REGARDING WATERSHED PROTECTION REQUIREMMN'TS FOR <br /> UNIVERSITY LAKE AND CANE CREEK RESERVOIR <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners will hold a public bearing on February <br /> 281 1994 for the Purpose Of receiving comments on proposed amendments to the Orange County Zoning <br /> Ordinance; and <br /> WHEREAS, several of the proposed changes pertain to watershed protection requirements for <br /> University Lake and Cane Creek Reservoir. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: <br /> 1. That the Board of Directors of Orange Water and Sewer Authority opposes changes to the <br /> Orange County Zoning Ordinance that would reduce setback requirements for new structures and septic <br /> systems to the extent proposed by the subject amendments, and reaffirms its position of November 11, <br /> 1993 on this issue: <br /> `&dsfing setback requirements of 300 feet for septic systems and 150 feet for structures <br /> should remain in place along the shorelines of University Lake and the Cane Creek <br /> Reservoir and along the perennial streams discharging to these impoundments. <br /> 2. That the Board supports the continued prohibition of individual offshe septic system easements <br /> in the University Lake and Cane Creek Reservoir watersheds and opposes amendments that would allow <br /> such easements in either watershed. By this prohibition the Board does not mean to oppose the <br /> establishment of septic system easements held in common by the property owners in a clustered <br /> development. <br /> 3. That the Board hereby authorizes and directs its Chairman and staff to pursue thew <br /> recommendations, as further justified in the OWASA staff memorandum dated February 17, 1994 and <br /> attached hereto, through appropriate contact with County officials. <br /> 4. That copies of this Resolution and attachment be transmitted to the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners, Carrboro Board of Aldermen, and Chapel Hill Town Council. <br /> Adopted the 24th day of February 24, 1994. <br /> Julianne M. Andresen, Chairman <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Riley Wilson <br /> Secretary-Treasurer <br /> RECEIUED FROM 9199694421 P. 2 <br />