Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY SENIOR CENTERS <br /> DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROCESS: MEMBERSHIP, PROCEDURE AND TIMEFRAME <br /> May, 1994 <br /> PURPOSE: To prepare a long-range county senior centers development <br /> plan (SCDP) for Board of County Commissioners approval. <br /> T A S K S COMPLETION DATE <br /> 1. Recruit and select SCDP Committee members. May-June, 1994 <br /> A. Request two appointments by the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill and one appointment by the <br /> Towns of Carrboro and Hillsborough. <br /> B. Request two appointments by the Orange County <br /> Advisory Board on Aging. <br /> C. Select one representative from each Township <br /> by the County Commissioners. <br /> 2. Hold SCDP Committee meetings to review/analyze the June-Sept, 1994 <br /> following minimum background materials: <br /> A. Current Senior Center Facilities: management, <br /> budget, activities and citizen use. <br /> B. State and national standards for center operations <br /> developed by NC Division of Aging (NCDOA) and the <br /> National Council on Aging (NCOA) . <br /> C. The 1991 Report of the Task Force on Southern Orange, <br /> The Establishment of a Senior Center Network Model: <br /> Long & Short Term Recommendations. <br /> D. The 1993 Report on Southern Orange Senior Center: <br /> Developments since the 1991 Task Force's recommendations. <br /> E. Senior center space in the proposed new Southern Orange <br /> Human Services Center on Homestead Rd, Chapel Hill. <br /> F. The County Aging Board's 1993 Senior Center <br /> recommendations covering all of Orange County. <br /> 3. Visit all current Orange County Senior Centers and June, 1994 <br /> community centers that serve older adults. <br /> 4 . Establish policy recommendations covering the number, August, 1994 <br /> design, functions, services, and location of senior <br /> centers throughout Orange County for both the short <br /> and long term. <br /> 5. Prepare Senior Centers Development Plan covering Aug-Sept, 1994 <br /> a five year period to the year 2000 and beyond. <br /> 6. Present the draft Senior Centers Development Plan to <br /> the Orange County Adv. Board on Aging for review/comment. <br /> 7. Present the draft Senior Centers Development Plan to Sept, 1994 <br /> the Board of County Commissioners for review and changes. <br /> Page 1 of 2 <br />