Orange County NC Website
MAY-10-1994 14:47 FROM ORANGE CTY COMMISSIONERS TO PLANNING 10 <br /> 7 <br /> 1 Comprehensive Land Use Plan regarding open space needs to be handled by a <br /> 2 small area planning group. No amendment should occur until such a plan has <br /> 3 been completed. He mentioned that the Cooperative Sanctuary has stressed <br /> 4 environmental education aimed at the golf course management industry. This <br /> 5 program receives endorsement and financial support from the U.S. Golf <br /> 6 Association, Club Managers Association and the PGA Tour. The standards <br /> 7 established by the Cooperative Sanctuary program needs to be applied as the <br /> 8 minimum standards for all new golf course construction. A copy of his full <br /> 9 statement is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerks office. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 John Hartwell made reference to when the water and sewer policy was <br /> 12 initially established. He pointed out that this policy was intended to <br /> 13 discourage the extension of water and sewer to other areas. At that time the <br /> 14 Board of Commissioners had reservations about whether water providers could <br /> 15 be prevented from allowing tap on's, even with stipulations, if the lines were <br /> 16 already in place. He suggested that the current prohibitions be maintained. <br /> 17 If cluster development is allowed in the rural buffer it will be necessary to <br /> 18 provide water and sewer. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Lester. Ray, an orange county dairy farmer, commented that his family <br /> 21 has farmed in the county for 7 generations. He spoke in opposition to the <br /> 22 open space category. The average age of the orange County dairy farmer in 60 <br /> 23 years old. This indicates that much land will change hands in the next 10 <br /> 24 years. Thera is not currently an option for preserving farm land. The <br /> 25 transfer of development rights and the purchase 'of development rights needs <br /> 26 to be studied and implemented in the county. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Bob Hall, an Orange County resident, spoke in opposition to this <br /> 29 amendment. The definition of Open Space is vague and must be more clearly <br /> 30 defined. He stated that the zoning districts being presented do not actually <br /> 31 apply to the University Station request. He indicated that some of the <br /> 32 language in the proposal uses words like "may" be rather than "shall or must" <br /> 33 be. This proposal offers incentives for heavy development in areas where that <br /> 34 type of development should not happen. He read from the Concept page (pq. <br /> 35 3.2) as follows. "To minimize existing energy efficient and land consuming <br /> 36 patterns of rural sprawl, the land use element is premised on two basic <br /> 37 strategies: Creating activity nodes and maximizing in-fill development. The <br /> 38 in-fill development is premised on the desirability of encouraging development <br /> 39 to occur first within the corporate limits of the town, then where <br /> 40 appropriate, within the areas surrounding the towns in the transition area <br /> 41 from rural to urban. "To achieve this goal requires a combination of <br /> 42 incentives and disincentives to development activity, which include but are <br /> 43 not limited to allowing higher densities and intensity of land use within the <br /> 44 urban and urbanizing areas and allowing only low intensity uses outside of <br /> 45 these areas. " In his opinion the county Commissioners have a legal basis to <br /> 46 reject this avAmidmont. A copy of his complete statement is in the permanent <br /> 47 agenda file in the ClerkFs office. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 Genie Kamirues spoke about the addition of a land use element category <br /> 50 of Open Space Development Area. She feels that an open space development <br /> 51 plan must exist to protect the land. She asked that 508 buildable land be <br /> 52 protected as open space. The preservation of a wildlife corridor to link <br />