Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> ORANGECOUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: May 17. 1994 <br /> Agenda Abstract <br /> Item # a_A <br /> SUBJECT: CONTINUATION OF MAY 5, 1994 PUBLIC HEARING - <br /> UNIVERSITY STATION/OPEN SPACE DEVELOPMENT AREA <br /> DEPARTMENT: Planning PUBLIC HEARING: X Yes No <br /> ATTACHMENTS: INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Draft Minutes - 5/5/94 Public Hearing Planning Director X2592 <br /> Open Space Development Area Proposals <br /> G.S. 160A, Article 4A, Part 1 PHONE NUMBERS: <br /> Annexation Petition Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Hillsborough Resolution Re: Cooperative Planning Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Agreement Durham 688-7331 <br /> Article 1.33 - Cooperative Planning Agreement Chapel Hill 967-9251 <br /> Article 3 - Cooperative Planning Agreement <br /> PURPOSE: To continue discussion on the disposition of proposed amendments to the Land <br /> Use Element (map and text) of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed text <br /> amendments include a description of and locational criteria for a new plan <br /> category entitled"Open Space Development Area"The proposed map amendment <br /> would apply the new category to the University Station site. <br /> BACKGROUND: On May 5, 1994, a special public hearing was conducted on the above mentioned <br /> proposals. Following receipt of a staff report and citizen comments, the Board of <br /> Commissioners discussed the disposition of the proposals, The Board continued <br /> the discussion to this meeting and asked staff to provide information concerning <br /> municipal annexation procedures and development options available under the <br /> current ordinances. <br /> Annexation Procedures.Procedures for annexation of contiguous property are <br /> set forth in G.S. 160A,Article 4A, Part 1. The steps are as follows: <br /> 1. Presentation to the governing board of a petition signed by the owners of <br /> all real property in the area(A petition was submitted on May 2, 1994 to <br /> the Town of Hillsborough.) <br /> 2. Municipal governing board causes the clerk of the municipality to <br /> investigate the sufficiency of the petition and certify the result of the <br /> investigation.(The clerk certified the sufficiency of the petition on May 9, <br /> 1994 at a Hillsborough Town Board meeting.) <br /> 3. Upon receipt of the certification, the municipal governing board shall fix <br /> the date of the public hearing,and shall cause notice of the hearing to be <br /> published once in a newspaper in the municipality at least 10 days prior <br /> to the hearing. (June 6, 1994 has been set as the public hearing date for <br />