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028 available to large-scale developments, or a combination of small <br /> developments. <br /> 3. All open space residential development with density greater than one unit <br /> per two acres would be required to set aside and preserve significant <br /> amounts of open space (e.g., at least 30 percent of the total project <br /> acreage or,another option under consideration, at least 30 percent of the <br /> developable area of the project after certain undevelopable open space <br /> areas such as wetlands and steep slopes are excluded). <br /> Historical Perspective.On December 16,1993,the governing boards of Orange <br /> County and Hillsborough met in joint session to discuss matters of mutual interest <br /> concerning the Hillsborough CPZ Agreement. The governing boards agreed to <br /> establish a Work Group comprised of two members of each governing board to <br /> seek solutions to the University Station development issue;i.e.,annexation by the <br /> Town or approval by the County. <br /> On January 4, 1994, the Work Group held its first meeting and considered a <br /> resolution drafted by Town Attorney Michael Brough.The resolution proposed the <br /> establishment of a Small Area Planning Group with a specific charge for dealing <br /> with University Station. <br /> On January 18,1994,the Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution containing <br /> a charge to the University Station Planning Group. A similar resolution was <br /> adopted by the Town of Hillsborough at about the same time. The basic <br /> differences between the two resolutions is summarized below. <br /> OrW&M Cowetr Preserved open space means,in principle, at least 30%of <br /> the buildable land in the development tract. Though not <br /> specifically stated, buildable land includes all land <br /> except wetlands, floodplains, and steep slopes. <br /> To make water and sewer line extensions viable, the tract <br /> may, in principle, be developed at an overall density of <br /> up to two dwelling units per buildable acre. <br /> MUsborowh Preserved open space means at least 30% of the <br /> development tract;e.g., 852 acres. <br /> To make water and sewer line extensions viable, such <br /> developments may be developed at an overall density <br /> equivalent to not more than two dwelling units per acre <br /> on the 70% of the tract that is not required to remain as <br /> open space. <br /> Issues Resolution. The University Station Planning Group met initially on <br /> January 27, and, on February 9, conducted a "design workshop" to address the <br /> issue of open space preservation; e.g., how much and what type. The Planning <br /> Group divided into two teams. The "Hillsborough" team was comprised of <br /> Hillsborough Town Board members (2) and developer representatives (2). The <br /> "County" team was comprised of Orange County Commissioners (2) and <br /> neighborhood residents (2). <br /> The design workshop produced results which reflect the "charge" contained i- each <br /> resolution as well as the interests of each team member. The results are summarized <br /> below, and on the attached tables and maps, as based on GIS overlay producns and <br /> acreage calculations. <br />