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C. Specifying all reports required from the OCHD. <br /> VIII. Responsibilities of the OCHD: <br /> A. Performing the activities described in Attachment I in accordance with the terms of <br /> this Contract; <br /> B. Maintaining program and fiscal records for this Contract for three (3) years after final <br /> payment under this Contract or until any audits in progress at that time are <br /> completed; <br /> C. Making available all records,papers,vouchers,books,correspondence or other <br /> documentation or evidence at all reasonable times for review, inspection, or audit by <br /> duly authorized officials of DHR,or State auditors; <br /> D. Submitting to DHR, in such form as specified by DHR,a monthly report of <br /> expenditures by the fifteenth of the month following the expenditure month in order <br /> to claim reimbursement; <br /> E. Submitting to DHR the report,along with a corrective action plan for any audit <br /> finding, of an audit conducted in accordance with Office of Management and Budget <br /> (OMB)Circular A- 128 and containing a line item comparison of budgeted costs and <br /> actual allowable expenditures within six months of the end of OCHD's fiscal year,and <br /> submitting a copy of such report to the Office of the State Auditor in compliance with <br /> General Statute 143-6.1; <br /> F. Submitting to DHR a quarterly report of the contracted activities of the OCHD on such <br /> forms furnished by DHR according to the following schedule of report periods and <br /> due dates: <br /> September-December 1993, due January 15, 1994 <br /> January- February 1994, due March 15, 1994 <br /> March -June 1994,due July 15, 1994; <br /> G. Submitting any other plans, reports, documents or other products that DHR may <br /> specify; and <br /> H. Complying with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,Section 504 of the <br /> Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and <br /> all requirements imposed by Federal regulations, rules and guidelines issued pursuant <br /> to these Titles for both personnel employed and clients served. <br /> 3 <br />