Agenda - 05-02-1994-IX-J
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-02-94 Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-02-1994-IX-J
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Last modified
2/20/2015 11:59:25 AM
Creation date
2/20/2015 11:59:19 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19940502
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i <br /> 11 <br /> To determine the grant amount for which a county or counties may apply, the <br /> rganting authority shall apply the following formula: <br /> -(a) Twenty percent (20%) of the total fund shall be distributed in the discretion of <br /> the Secretary to encourage innovative efforts to develop multicountx nroLects• to <br /> encourage cooperation and collaboration among existing services and avoid <br /> duplication of efforts, to encourage the renovation of existing facilities: and to <br /> encourage innovative substance abuse programs. <br /> (b) Of the remaining eighty percent (80%) of the fund, a total funding amount <br /> will be set for each county based upon the following, variables: <br /> L, Twenty percent (20%) based on a fixed equal dollar amount for <br /> each count <br /> L2Z Sixty percent (60%) based on the county share of the State <br /> population: and ' <br /> Twenty percent (20%0) based on the supervised probation <br /> admissions rate for the county. <br /> The sum of the amounts in subdivisions (1). (2). and (3) is the total amount of the <br /> funding that a county may apply for under this subsection. <br /> "§ 143B-272.16. Continued eligibility. <br /> (a) To continue to receive funding_under this Article, a county shall submit an <br /> updated application for implementation funding to the Secretary at the be inning of <br /> each fiscal year. <br /> (b) To remain eligible for funding,. a county shall: <br /> M Comply with its community-based corrections plan: <br /> Submit monitoring reports as required by the Department: and <br /> (3) Comply with the minimum standards adopted. <br /> (c) If the Secretary suspends any or all of the grant funds, the county may request <br /> a hearing in accordance with Chapter 15OB of the General Statutes. <br /> "& 143B-272.17. Termination of participation in program. r <br /> A county receivine financial aid under this Article may+ terminate its participation <br /> by delivering a resolution of the board or boards of county commissioners to the <br /> Secretary at the beginning of any calendar quarter. Upon withdrawal from the <br /> program. the board or boards of county commissioners may adopt a resolution stating <br /> that it is in the best interests of the county that the county community corrections <br /> advisory board be dissolved, whereupon the county commissioners shall pay and <br /> discharge any debts or liabilities of the advisory board, collect and distribute assets of <br /> the advisory board under the laws of North Carolina. and pay over any remaining <br /> proceeds or property to the proper fund. <br /> " 143B-272.18. Private nonprofit agencies participating in program. <br /> After the county criminal Justice partnership advisory board has developed a plan <br /> and the board or boards of county commissioners has reviewed it, if the county <br /> decides that it does not intend to operate the proposed program, the county criminal <br /> iustice partnership advisory hoard shall recommend the appropriate deliverer of <br /> services and the county may contract for services. <br /> "& 143B-272.19. Prohibited uses of funds. <br /> (a) Counties may not use funds received under this Article to supplant or replace <br /> existing funds or other resources from the federal. State, or county government for <br /> existing community-based corrections programs. <br /> (b) Counties may not use funds received under this Article for indirect costs <br /> associated with a program." <br /> House Bill 281 Page 9 <br />
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