Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> 2 <br /> NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED PROGRAMS MODIFYING COUNTY <br /> POLICIES, PRACTICES AND REGULATIONS RELATED TO ON-SITE WASTE <br /> TREATMENT SYSTEMS FOR ORANGE COUNTY, NC <br /> Pursuant to the directions of Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will <br /> be held in the Public Meeting Room at the Orange Water and Sewer <br /> Authority office building at 400 Jones-Ferry Road in Carrboro on <br /> Tuesday, May 17, 1994 at 7 : 30 PM for the purpose of giving all <br /> interested citizens an opportunity to speak for or against the <br /> following items: <br /> 1. Public health concerns related to the use of on-site waste <br /> treatment systems having treatment capacity greater than that <br /> of standard single family systems or technology more complex <br /> than that of conventional septic systems. Historically, <br /> these systems have a much higher rate of failure than single- <br /> family conventional (gravity flow) septic systems. State <br /> health regulations now require local health departments to <br /> periodically inspect many of these types of systems. <br /> 2 . An Orange County program to provide periodic inspections, <br /> more frequent than state requirements, to monitor maintenance <br /> and operations practices for specified types of on-site waste <br /> treatment systems. The intent of the program is to promote <br /> operational and maintenance practices that will prolong the <br /> systems' useful life-span and will provide a level of waste <br /> treatment that protects public health and the environment. <br /> The program is proposed to be financed through inspection <br /> fees charged to system owners and users rather than with <br /> Property tax funds. <br /> 3 . An Orange County program to ensure the availability of the <br /> financial resources necessary to make repairs to specified <br /> types of on-site waste treatment systems. The intent of the <br /> program is to ensure that system owners (and Orange County if <br /> necessary) have access to funds sufficient to repair any <br /> failing system. Funds are to be provided by system owners <br /> through letters of credit or escrowed funds. Any funds <br /> advanced for system repair by the County will be subject to <br /> repayment and will be secured by liens against the property <br /> of system owners. <br />