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* r <br /> 6 <br /> The criteria are used to determine appropriate locations for various types of land <br /> uses and are also used to evaluate requests for changes to the Land Use Plan <br /> Map.These criteria include land slope, hydrology,flora and fauna,soil conditions, <br /> public services/utilities, transportation systems, energy use existing land use <br /> agriculture and forestry, population density, and historic and cultural resources. <br /> (2) Zonina Ordinance:Related to changes to the locational criteria are revisions to <br /> the "Application Criteria" contained in Article 4.2.19 of the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> Specifically,criteria pertaining to the type of utility service are to be considered; <br /> e.g.,public water and sewer service only,or the option of extending public utilities <br /> where available or using acceptable alternatives (wells and septic systems). <br /> OPEN SPACE DEVELOPMENT AREAS <br /> Proposed amendments to the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan have been presented at public <br /> hearing which seek to create a new"Open Space Development Area"land use plan category.The following <br /> amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations are proposed through which to <br /> implement the intent of the new category. <br /> 1. Intent/AmBeation Criteria: This proposal involves an amendment to Article 4.2 - District <br /> Statements of Intent and Application Criteria - of the Zoning Ordinance. Under the proposed <br /> Article 4.2.6, a new zoning district, OSD - Open Space Development Area, would be created, <br /> including a statement of intent and criteria applicable to the proposed new district. <br /> 2. Permitted Uses:This proposal involves an amendment to Article 4.3-Table of Permitted Uses- <br /> of the Zoning Ordinance to provide a list of permitted uses in the OSD-Open Space Development <br /> District. <br /> 3. Dimensional Requirements: This proposal involves an amendment to Article 5.1.2 - <br /> Establishment of Dimensional Requirements (Schedule for Residential Development) - of the <br /> Zoning Ordinance to provide a notation that open space development projects are subject to the <br /> design standards contained in Article 6.30 of the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> 4. Develovment Standards: This proposal involves an amendment to Article 6 of the Zoning <br /> Ordinance and would add a new Article 6.30 - Development Standards for Open Space <br /> Development (OSD) Districts to establish a set of development standards which all projects in an <br /> Open Space Development District must comply. <br /> 5. Planned Developments: This proposal involves an amendment to Article 7.2.1 of the Zoning <br /> Ordinance to include the PD-H-OSD Planned Development-Housing-Open Space Development <br /> District as a permitted Planned Development District. <br /> 6. Def9nitlons: This proposal involves an amendment to Article 22 - Definitions - of the Zoning <br /> Ordinance and would add a definition of"Open Space Development Area". <br /> 7. Subdivision Aut)roval:This proposal involves an amendment to Section IV-Required Minimum <br /> Design Standards-of the Subdivision Regulations.The proposal would add a new Section IV-B-12, <br /> requiring subdivisions proposed within an Open Space Development zoning district to adhere to <br /> the development standards proposed under #4 above. <br /> OTHER ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS <br /> In addition to the text amendments proposed above,one additional change to the Zoning Ordinance is to <br /> be considered. It involves the following provision: <br /> 1. Public Hearin¢Notice:This proposal involves an amendment to Article 20.6 Public Hearing and <br />