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1 <br /> OR AN G E C 0 U N T Y <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: May 2, 1994 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item # yx;.C, <br /> SUBJECT: Classification Plan Amendment - Budget Director <br /> DEPARTMENT: Personnel PUBLIC HEARING: Yes X No <br /> ATTACHMENT(S) : INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Elaine Holmes, Personnel Director <br /> Updated Budget Director Extension 2550 <br /> Class Specification <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br /> Hillsborough - 732-8181 <br /> Durham - 688-7331 <br /> Mebane - 227-2031 <br /> Chapel Hill - 967-9251/968-4501 <br /> PURPOSE: To amend the Orange County Classification and Pay Plan <br /> by changing the salary grade assignment for the class <br /> of Budget Director from Salary Grade 73 to Salary <br /> Grade 76. <br /> BACKGROUND: The Personnel Department has completed a <br /> classification review of the Budget Director position. <br /> This review was initiated because the duties and <br /> responsibilities of the Budget Director are <br /> significantly different than those originally <br /> projected for the position and recognized when it was <br /> assigned to the current class and salary grade during <br /> Phase 1 of the County Classification and Pay Study in <br /> January 1991. <br /> At the time of the last Classification and Pay Study, <br /> the Budget Director position was part of the County <br /> Manager' s Office and the Budget Director functioned <br /> primarily as an analytical resource and staff support <br /> to the County Manager's Office. <br /> Key changes since that study include the following: <br /> 1. The position now functions as a department head, <br /> rather than budget administrator, with more <br /> overall authority and responsibility for the <br /> department and budgeting function. <br /> 2. This increased delegation of responsibility is <br /> reflected in a number of roles including, among <br /> others: <br />