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1 <br /> Orange County <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Action Agenda Item Abstract Item No <br /> Meeting Date: May 2, 1994 <br /> Subject: Budget Amendment# 11 <br /> Department Budget Office Public Hearing YES_ NO R <br /> Attachment(s) Information Contact <br /> Proposed Budget Ordinance Amendments Budget Office Ext. 2150 <br /> Proposed Grant Project Ordinance - Smart Start <br /> Telephone Number <br /> Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br /> Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Durham 688-7331 <br /> Purpose <br /> To approve proposed budget ordinance amendments and revised grant project ordinance for the Smart Start <br /> Program. <br /> Background <br /> Department of Health <br /> At the April 19, 1994, Board of Commissioners meeting, the Board approved an increase in the consolidated <br /> state contract to enhance the Family Planning, Maternal and Child Health budgets. These funds will enable the <br /> Health Department to purchase Norplant and other family planning supplies for an additional 83 low income <br /> Orange County residents, provide incentives to enhance participation in the Family Planning clinic and provide <br /> funds for a small increase in mileage reimbursements. This budget amendment, (box#1, page 3 of this <br /> abstract) accepts the additional State funds totaling $12,568. No County match is required. <br /> At the April 19, 1994, Board meeting, the Commissioners approved an increase in funding for the Environmental <br /> Health Division. The additional $1,900 in State funds will be used to purchase computer equipment and <br /> software in this division. The attached budget amendment (box#2, page 3 of this abstract) accepts these <br /> additional funds. No additional County funds are required. <br /> The Health Department has recently received additional State funds totaling $17,616 for the Family Planning <br /> program. These funds will enable the Health Department to purchase family planning educational materials, <br /> furnishings and equipment for the family planning staff. These additional funds are appropriated on the <br /> attached budget amendment (Box#3, page 3 of this abstract). No County match is required. <br /> The Health Department has been awarded additional State funds totaling $18,086 for the Immunization Action <br /> Plan fund. The goal of this program is to make immunizations more universally available so that more children <br /> by the age of two years will be fully immunized. Grant funds will be used for personnel costs associated with <br /> the immunization program. In addition, computer equipment will be purchased to develop a tracking system as <br /> part of a state-wide effort to gather data. The attached grant project ordinance appropriates these additional <br /> funds. <br />