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�ocr. 676 rncF 136 <br /> SCHEDULE A 11 <br /> TRACT I: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being <br /> in Orange County, North Carolina, and being 10.1 acres according to plat of <br /> William B. Dozier, Registered Surveyor, dated June 3, 1964 , and recorded in <br /> Plat Book ;t , at Page Orange County Registry, and being more particu- <br /> larly described as BEGINNING at a stake in the Southwest corner of Paul <br /> McAllister and the Eastern margin of N.C. Highway No. 86; running thence with <br /> the Northwestern line of McAllister North 35' 03' East 132.4 feet �:o a stake; <br /> running thence along the Western nargin of Lawrence North 32' 15' East 661.2 <br /> feet to a stake in the Southern line of Dr. Beard; running thence along the <br /> Southern margin of Dr. Beard and an old road bed North 62' 46' ' West 955.0 <br /> feet to a stake in the raQnp of Interstate Highway No. 85 running in an East- <br /> ern direction into the South lane of said Interstate Highway No. 85; running <br /> thence South 3. 37' East 156.9 feet to a stake in said ramp; running thence <br /> South 22. 19' East 147.3 feet to a stake; running thence South 64' 21' West <br /> 50.6 feet to a stake in the Eastern margin of N.C. Highway No. 86; running <br /> thence along said margin of N.C. Highway No. 86 South 28' 14 ' East 886.1 feet <br /> to the point and place of BEGINNING. <br /> TRACT III: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being <br /> in Orange County, North Carolina, and being 27.8 acres according to plat of <br /> William B. Dozier, dated October, 1965, and recorded in Plat Book �__ � �, at <br /> Page Orange County Registry, and being more particularly described <br /> as BEGINNING at a stake in the Northwest corner of Paul McAllister and the <br /> Eastern margin of the property of Paliouras; running thence with the Eastern <br /> line of. Paliouras North 32' 15' East 796.8 feet to an iron stake; running <br /> thence South 61' 16' East 353.1 feet to a stake; running thence South 32" <br /> 10' West 20 feet to a stake; running thence South 61' 16' East 1,119 feet <br /> to an iron stake; running thane South 61' 30' West 851.2 feet to an iron <br /> stake; running thence South 28' 44 ' West 461 feet to a stake in the center <br /> of Old N.C. Highway No. 10; running thence along the arc of a circle with <br /> a radius of 855.66 feet to an iron stake; running thence North 55' 40' West <br /> 60.6 feet to an iron stake; running thence North 34' 33' West 773 feet to <br /> an iron stake; running thence North 45' 54 ' West 172.9 feet to the point and <br /> place of BEGINNING. <br /> SAVE AND EXCEPT all the property East of this line: BEGINNING at a point <br /> located in the center line of State Road 1710, being 652.41 feet East of the <br /> intersection of State Road 1710 and North Carolina Highway 86; running thence <br /> along a curve in a counterclockwise direction with a radius of 296.34 feet, <br /> an arc distance of 178.56 feet along a chord bearing North 17-23-02 East 175.87 <br /> feet to an existing corner; running thence North 00-07-19 East 445.35 feet <br /> to an existing corner; thence' running North 39-41-16 East 602.81 feet to a <br /> control corner abutting Interstate Highway 85. <br />