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b <br /> MEETINGS <br /> Meetings shall be held at least every other month at a time and <br /> place set by the Council. Special meetings may be called if <br /> business is urgent and cannot be scheduled in a regular session. <br /> Notification of meetings and agendas shall be mailed one week <br /> ahead of meeting date. <br /> OFFICERS <br /> The Council shall have a convener, a substitute convener, and a <br /> secretary. The convener shall be the County Commissioner <br /> Representative. The duties of the convener shall include chairing <br /> the meetings, appointing committees, and serving as a liaison to <br /> the Board of Commissioners. The substitute convener will be named <br /> by the Council and will fulfill the duties of the convener when <br /> necessary. The secretary shall be the Director of Orange <br /> County Emergency Management Services. The duties of the secretary <br /> shall include setting the meeting agenda in consultation with the <br /> convener, maintaining council records, and communicating with the <br /> Board of Commissioners, County staff, and other appropriate <br /> agencies. <br /> COMMITTEES <br /> The Council shall appoint committees as needed to accomplish <br /> assignments by the Advisory Council or the Director of EMS. These <br /> committees shall exist as long as necessary to accomplish their <br /> assignments. <br /> VACANCY IN MEMBERSHIP <br /> Vacancy occurs when the appointed term expires, or a resignation <br /> is received, or when the appointing authority withdraws the <br /> member. The secretary shall notify the Clerk to the Board of <br /> vacancies, and they shall be filled in accordance with Orange <br /> County Commissioners' Policy. <br /> PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES <br /> Robert' s Rules of Order shall be used. <br />