Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> SPECIAL MEETINGS: <br /> Special meetings may be called if business is urgent and <br /> cannot be scheduled in a regular session. <br /> QUORUM: <br /> A majority of members shall constitute a quorum. <br /> OFFICERS: <br /> The Council shall have a convener and a secretary. The <br /> convener shall be the County Commissioner Representative and <br /> the secretary shall be the Director of EMS. <br /> COMMITTEES: <br /> Committees shall be formed as needed and shall exist as <br /> long as necessary to accomplish their assignments. No <br /> Committee shall be considered permanent. , <br /> VACANCY IN MEMBERSHIP: <br /> Membership vacancy shall be made known to the Clerk to <br /> the Board and filled in accordance with Orange County <br /> Commissioner's Policy. <br /> PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES: <br /> Robert 's Rules of Order shall be used. <br />