Orange County NC Website
Oran a Coun North Carolina - AIFCH - 2007 <br />9 tY, <br />2. What access do individuals with physical or mental disabilities have to housing? <br />3. Are regulations designed in a way that limits access to housing for protected classes? <br />4. What image does the community convey to the outside world? Are the models used to <br />market the community representative of all races? <br />5. Do some areas within the community have a reputation that would discourage low- to- <br />moderate-income persons or protected classes from attempting to live there? <br />6. With the pressure of a growing urban area, are minorities or low-to-moderate- income <br />persons unable to consider significant areas in their housing search because there is no <br />affordable housing? <br />7. Are any potential homeowners eliminating some affordable areas of the community <br />because they would not be able to refinance or obtain adequate homeowner's <br />insurance? <br />S. Are some affordable areas of the community eliminated because there is inadequate <br />access by public transportation? <br />The perception that fair housing laws are only meant for minorities is misguided. Fair housing <br />regulations protect every citizen and non-citizen of the United States, regardless of race, color, <br />national origin, sex, religion, familial status (presence of children) or disability. These categories <br />are known as protected classes. The fact that a community has a small minority population does <br />not mean there aren't possible impediments to fair housing within their borders. <br />It is important for the County to consider fair housing law as a guaranteed protection for all <br />people. Only then can the community help its residents share in an important part of the <br />American Dream-living where they choose, without regard to factors that may negatively <br />impact upon them because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or <br />disability. <br />2.2 The Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) <br />The County has already completed an important part of its review of the community through the <br />development of its Consolidated Plan, for Housing Activities. The AI will assist in developing a <br />Fair Housing Action Plan that will be a cooperative part of the Comprehensive Plan as required <br />by the Community Development Block Grant Program. <br />This analysis helps develop an ongoing process for identifying fair housing concerns and <br />problems in the County. It is also useful in developing a means to inform the citizens of the <br />community about their fair housing rights and responsibilities. <br />3.0 COMMUNITY PROFILE FOR OR~4NGE COUNTY <br />The AI includes: <br />• Demographic and economic profiles of the community <br />• Activities and issues concerning the local housing industry <br />• Local lenders, zoning and housing regulations <br />3 <br />