Orange County NC Website
. Oran a Coun North Carolina - AIFCH - 2007 <br />g tY, <br />• Socially conscious community that keeps housing issues in the news and community <br />organizations that care. <br />• City ordinance that requires developers to provide "units or funds in lieu of is a good <br />idea in theory. It could provide much needed funding for development of more affordable <br />housing suitable for families. <br />• Housing co-ops, conversion of apartments to low-cost condos (Carrboro) given <br />opportunity for home ownership. <br />Question #6: Do you have any comments in regards to the local housing assistance <br />program in Orange County? <br />Clearly, the County needs to do a better job promoting housing assistance programs, as almost <br />no respondents were aware such a resource existed. <br />• If such an organization exists in the County it is not well known. (This was the majority <br />answer) <br />• Money would be better spent helping to finance low-interest loans to those who are <br />receiving some assistance in order to own homes/condos. <br />• More needs to be done. Especially in enforcing safe housing standards. <br />• More programs for housing mentally impaired and developmentally delayed individuals <br />who can be successful. <br />Question #7: Are there any problems for individuals in regards to transportation in <br />Orange County? <br />Respondents were supportive of the free bus service, but were concerned that it was not <br />countywide or frequent enough. <br />• No. Chapel Hills offers free bus services also available in the southern part of Orange <br />County and some in the north. <br />• Difficult to get from northern Orange County to the southern part without a car; not <br />enough buses to the more rural areas <br />• Getting to locations where adult education courses and services are offered. <br />• Reduced schedule when University is closed. <br />• Not enough stops along Martin Luther King Blvd. <br />• More frequent buses on weekends and evenings would help people who have to work <br />varying shifts. <br />Question #8: Are there any problems for individuals in regards to employment in Orange <br />County? <br />24 <br />