Orange County NC Website
. Orange County, North Carolina - AIFCH - 2007 <br />often cannot match, the increase in sub-prime lending, and competitive offers from the <br />conventional mortgage market. In 1999, one fifth of all home purchases in the United States <br />were FHA loans. Of this, two-fifths were for Blacks and Hispanics. <br />In 2004, when the most complete date is available, FHA/VA accounted for only 6.7% of all <br />applications in the County. Conventional home purchase applications accounted for 29% of all <br />applications. Nineteen-point-four percent of Orange County residents applied for FHA loans. <br />(Table 6.7) <br />Overall, the percent of local Blacks, Hispanics and other minorities using FHA was well below <br />the national average of 62.4%. As indicated in Table 6.7, the percent of low-to moderate-income <br />applicants also was well below the national average at more than 27%. <br />However, in tracts with a minority population of 20% or higher, applications were double the <br />national average. This could mean that applicants in these tracts are taking advantage of better <br />opportunities for home ownership. But it also raises the question: are all those who submit <br />government-backed applications qualified for such mortgages or-are they being placed in this <br />category when they would qualify for a conventional mortgage? <br />When considering only the 2,704 applications for home purchases, conventional applications <br />accounted for four times as many applications (81.2%) as FHA/VA applications (18.8%). <br />6.8 Refinancing and Home Improvement Activity <br />Refinancing activity far exceeds home purchases. With direct mail, a-mail, Web and traditional <br />advertising, it is little wonder that refinancing is the most active segment of the mortgage <br />market. <br />Refinancing and home improvement loans should be the easiest to obtain since the lender is <br />dealing with a known borrower who has equity in the home and a commitment to the dwelling. In <br />Orange County, refinancing applications were denied less frequently than originations. <br />Refinancing applications accounted for 65.8% of all mortgage type applications in Orange <br />County. For all remaining Counties in the MSA, refinancing accounted for 54.1 % of all <br />applications. For the MSA as a total, 54.7% were for refinancing. <br />Considering that conventional home purchase applications accounted for only 16.6% of the <br />County applications, 30% for the remaining County's, and 29.1 % of the MSA, this is a significant <br />indicator of the mortgage market in the community. <br />Of the 1,722 refinancing applications accepted in the County, 46% were originated and 26% <br />were denied. These rates are significantly higher than home-purchase rates. Home <br />17 <br />