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16 <br /> 1 <br /> QUESTIONS SETTING - <br /> FAMILY R <br /> Parents used to think that the only way children developed <br /> into responsible adults was through strict discipline, and <br /> the rule "Children should be seen but not heard." Today, <br /> many parents try to set family rules that are not so strict. <br /> Even though your baby is only 8 months old, it's not too early <br /> to start setting your family rules. For example, when you say <br /> "Don't touch the stove—it's hot," you are teaching a basic <br /> rule of safety. <br /> Now is a good time to decide: - <br /> • What your family rules will be <br /> Tracy e«�a.�a • Who will make the rules. <br /> "My baby has suddenly become • How your baby will learn them. <br /> scared and shy of strangers. She <br /> sometimes cries even when my To teach your baby what is allowed in your family, be honest <br /> mother comes to visit. Why does about your feelings and say what you mean. For example, if <br /> she act this way, and what can 1 he does something you don't like, tell him not to do it any <br /> do to help her overcome this more and explain why. You will get your message across by <br /> fear?" being firm in your voice, in your manner, and in your ac- <br /> First of all, don't worry. A fear of <br /> tions. <br /> strangers at this age is normal. As your baby develops, he will learn what the limits are in <br /> Babies are beginning to develop a your home, and it will be easier on all of you! <br /> sense of self and others, an impor- <br /> tant step in growing up. They are <br /> afraid because they know the dif- <br /> ference between close family mem- <br /> bers and strangers.So they often be- <br /> come upset when someone they COMING NEXT <br /> don't know hovers around them. <br /> Some babies howl or whimper with • Discipline—What Is It? <br /> genuine fear. Others cling to their • A Special Time for Baby and You <br /> mothers and refuse to let go. Some <br /> babies, just like adults, develop an <br /> instant dislike for a person. <br /> However she reacts, comfort your <br /> baby if she is fearful of strangers. <br /> Hold her close to let her know that If you have any questions or comments, <br /> you love her and she is safe.if you are please contact your local Home Advisor, <br /> embarrassed, explain to friends or listed in the phone book under University <br /> relatives not to take it personally— of California, Cooperative Extension. <br /> that your baby needs time to get <br /> used to people.Ask them not to rush <br /> up to her or try to pick her up.As your <br /> baby gets older she will feel more <br /> secure and more comfortable with <br /> other people. <br />