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OS7 <br /> 9 November 15, 1993 <br /> information on why a five-acre lot minimum, rather than four or six <br /> acres, was proposed. <br /> Council Member Capowski requested that the staff's follow-up report <br /> contain information about the taking of smaller undevelopable lots. <br /> He also requested information about the differences between <br /> neighborhood commercial and community commercial zoning uses. <br /> Council Member Capowski inquired whether there was any relation <br /> between not rezoning the area and the possible construction of the <br /> Laurel Hill Parkway. He stated that the current Council should <br /> vote on the possible rezonings at its November 22nd meeting. <br /> Council Member Brown emphasized the importance of addressing <br /> concerns of the White Rock area residents relative to the proposed <br /> rezonings. Council Member Brown requested that all hearings and <br /> minutes of prior meetings concerning the southern area rezonings be <br /> entered into the record of the hearing. She suggested that the <br /> rezoning matter be voted on at the November 22nd Council meeting. <br /> Mayor Broun stated that the White Rock area situation needed to be <br /> examined within the context of the entire southern area plan. He <br /> stated that the overall planning and rezoning processes for the <br /> southern area had been thorough ones. Council Member Powell said <br /> she concurred that the proposal was well thought out and planned. <br /> COUNCIL MEMBER WALDORF MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER POWELL, TO <br /> REFER THE MATTER TO THE MANAGER AND ATTORNEY AND BRING THE MATTER <br /> BACK FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE NOVEMBER 22ND COUNCIL MEETING. THE <br /> MOTION WAS ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY (9-0) . <br /> Mr. Horton noted that a number of protest petitions were currently <br /> being reviewed by Planning staff. He noted that the staff's <br /> follow-up materials would likely be ready by Friday, November 19th, <br /> rather than Wednesday, November 17th. Mr. Karpinos noted that <br /> given the very short turnaround, the follow-up work would be less <br /> rigorous than a follow-up report having a longer completion <br /> timeframe. Council Member Capowski requested that the staff's <br /> follow-up report expand on the logic for one unit per acre for the <br /> Michis property. <br />• Item 3 OWASA Sewer Pump Station SUP Request <br /> Development Coordinator Jennie Bob Culpepper said the Orange Water <br /> and Sewer Authority (OWASA) had submitted a special use permit <br /> application for the replacement of a replacement sewer pump station <br /> along the north side of Cleland Drive. She stated that no changes <br /> in site access were proposed. Ms. Culpepper noted that the staff's <br /> preliminary recommendation was approval of the request. <br /> Council Member Rimer said he saw no compelling reason to require a <br /> fire hydrant within 500 feet of the building, a fire flow report or <br /> recycling plan for the proposed plant. He requested that the <br />