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59 <br />Chair Jacobs said he is not sure this is at a good place to even be referred to the <br />Planning Board. He thinks there needs to be more discussion between the planning director, <br />manager, and attorney. He said someone needs to walk through the process and make some <br />projections. <br />He said the Board has heard that there needs to be more public participation, and there <br />is discussion about the ultimate role of the Planning Board. He said there are issues that staff <br />needs to talk about before this comes back for a public hearing. <br />Chair Jacobs said maybe a better job can be done of publicizing this discussion of the <br />process to encourage public input. <br />Commissioner Gordon said she would like to see this go back to the Planning Board to <br />see what they come up with. <br />Craig Benedict said he agrees that he needs to speak with the manager and the <br />attorney's office to glean some direction. He said there is an opportunity for conversation at the <br />upcoming dinner with the Planning Board. He agrees that there is not a consensus. He sees <br />that the public input at the end is a big issue, and this could be modified. <br />Commissioner Pelissier said she would also like to refer this back to the Planning Board. <br />She said two broken items have been identified, and one of them is a public hearing that cannot <br />be held due to a lack of Planning Board quorum. She said the other issue is allowing the public <br />to make comments at the final decision meeting. <br />Craig Benedict said this room offers the Planning Board members the opportunity to <br />watch the televised meeting if they were unable to attend. <br />Chair Jacobs said he also did not hear anyone disagree with the idea of looking at the <br />public hearing notices through email. <br />Commissioner Gordon said she would like to move the manager's recommendation. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if the manager has any input. <br />Bonnie Hammersley said she would be happy to work on this with staff and the Planning <br />Board. She said she and the attorney have some ideas of things that can be implemented. She <br />said focus groups could be formed in order to gather information. She said she also has some <br />ideas based on other places she has worked. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner McKee for <br />the Board to: Refer the matter to the Manager, staff and Planning Board with a request that a <br />recommendation be returned to the BOCC in time for the November 6, 2014 BOCC regular <br />meeting. <br />Adjourn the public hearing until November 6, 2014 in order to receive and accept the <br />Planning Board's recommendation and any submitted written comments, as well as the <br />recommendation of the manager and staff. <br />Chair Jacobs noted that the motion creates a deadline for the Planning Board to bring <br />back information by November 6 th <br />Commissioner Gordon said this allows two months, and if that is not enough, it can be <br />continued. <br />Bonnie Hammersley said she thinks this is possible. <br />Commissioner McKee asked if the timing could be changed to the first meeting in <br />February. <br />Commissioner Gordon said she would like to be involved in the discussion. <br />Commissioner McKee said this seems like a tight timeline. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked the manager if she feels something can be pulled together <br />by November 6 th <br />Bonnie Hammersley said she will respect the opinions of the Planning Board, who look a <br />little unsure of that timing. She said her thought was that the planning staff and the manager <br />