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57 <br />influence. He said it seems that having the Planning Board make a recommendation after <br />listening to the public and the Commissioners is putting the thumb on the scale of what is <br />expected, if the Board is seeking the Planning Board's independent analysis. <br />Commissioner Dorosin questioned whether the Planning Board could be an expert at the <br />quasi - judicial hearing. He said they are the expert witnesses for the UDO and he feels this <br />would be relevant testimony. <br />Lisa Stuckey said this is her 4th year on the Planning Board. She said staff members are <br />the experts, but the board members do not have a long enough term to be considered experts. <br />Lisa Stuckey said the Planning Board struggles to get a quorum at these meetings, and <br />she said that the planning board could not have a public hearing on a quasi - judicial matter. She <br />questioned whether it is really fair to the public to make them go through two public hearings. <br />Commissioner Dorosin said he does not think it is fair to call the public back to a second <br />public hearing where they cannot talk. <br />Lisa Stuckey said she understands this but she is not sure that adding another public <br />hearing in front of the Board's public hearing changes anything. She said the Planning Board is <br />not the final decision maker. <br />Tony Blake said he is on the planning board representing his neighbors. He feels that <br />the neighborhood information meetings might augment the Planning Board quite a bit, if they <br />are broad enough. <br />He said he is not a rubber stamp and he does not feel bound to the Board's opinions. <br />From his perspective the Board is not putting their thumb on the scale. <br />Lisa Stuckey said the Planning Board usually does not know what the Board of <br />Commissioners thinks. She said there is discussion, but it is rare that there is a consensus. <br />Paul Guthrie said this is a complicated issue because of the various functions within the <br />relationship. He said the number one question is what the Board wants from their Planning <br />Board, and how they want it to function. He said he has asked a lot of questions about these <br />proposed changes. He thinks that well managed citizen advisory groups serve an important <br />role. He thinks a better definition of what the Commissioners want from the Planning Board and <br />planning staff would be helpful, along with building a process that continues to bring information <br />from citizens about what is important to them. <br />Pete Hallenbeck said the quorum problems have been bad this year. He thinks it would <br />be helpful if the Planning Board did not have to have quorum at the hearings. He said it is <br />human nature for people to want to deal with decision makers and not middle managers, but he <br />does think it would help if the Planning Board could take input from the public. <br />He views the Planning Board role as a little bit of Planning Department oversight. He <br />said their role is also to provide community feedback. <br />Pete Hallenbeck said it seems that synergy has been shattered by this item, and <br />Commissioner input is low, which makes it hard to come up with something. He said every time <br />they try to streamline this process there are too many unknowns. <br />Lydia Wegman said it is burdensome to expect the public to attend two different public <br />hearings. She said the Commissioners are the decision makers and they will get more people, <br />and more focused comments than at the Planning Board meetings. She encouraged them to <br />allow opportunity for the public to speak. She said she hopes that she, as a Planning Board <br />member, would have an opportunity to hear everything the Commissioners hear before making <br />a recommendation. <br />Commissioner Gordon said the key question is the role of the Planning Board. She said <br />to get the Planning Board recommendation before the public hearing would only provide <br />technical comments. She said this would not provide the benefit of the experienced Planning <br />Board members going over the issues. She believes it would be better to get the Planning <br />Board recommendation after they have heard all of the information. <br />