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56 <br />Commissioner Gordon said she would argue for the Planning Board to consider items <br />after the public hearing with the Board of Commissioners. She said if the Planning Board <br />makes the recommendation before the hearing, then they will have to confine themselves to <br />more technical comments. She said the official notice that gets attention is the one listing when <br />the Commissioners hold their public hearing, so you would get the public input here, and then <br />the process would be closed under the proposed process. <br />Commissioner Price said she agrees that the public might be better served if the <br />hearings are held more than quarterly. She said she has no problem with taking the legal <br />advertisements off of the consent agenda if there is another way to get approval from the <br />Commissioners. She said if they are going to do away with the joint public hearing, she feels <br />that it is even more important to get the Planning Board recommendation after the public <br />hearing. She said some of the recommendations may become null and void after the public <br />hearing. <br />Commissioner Price asked about the phrasing change for the public hearing title. She <br />asked why not just call it "close public hearing." <br />Perdita Holtz said staff was trying to avoid using the words "public hearing" in the title. <br />Commissioner Price said she understood the point of letting the public know that this <br />was the deadline for written comment. She thinks it needs to be simpler than what has been <br />recommended. <br />Chair Jacobs said if there are some items that would not be difficult to consider as part <br />of a regular agenda, there is no reason why that cannot be done now. He said the planning <br />director can consult with the manager to determine which items can go on the regular agendas. <br />He is just concerned about the larger items. <br />He said the advertisements can be approved by email. <br />Chair Jacobs said the issue of where the Planning Board fits in is somewhat of a <br />philosophical question. He said when he was on the Planning Board, it was very important that <br />they got the last word with the Commissioners. He said this setup gives the Planning Board <br />more weight, as they get to hear and weigh everything before commenting to the Board. He <br />said part of this process is making a decision about the role of the Planning Board, as this <br />proposal would allow the public to have the final word to the Commissioners. He said he is <br />willing to listen to the argument, but it is hard for him to think of doing it differently. <br />James Bryan said these public hearings can be very confusing. He said there are two <br />separate decisions, the legislative decisions and the quasi - judicial systems. He said it may be a <br />philosophical distinction, but there is also a legal distinction. He said these should be looked at <br />separately. He said neither the Planning Board nor the written comments should be involved in <br />the quasi - judicial decisions. He said written comments are hearsay and should have no value in <br />these situations. He said the only thing that can be considered is the evidence presented at the <br />quasi - judicial hearing. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if the public comes to the Planning Board meetings <br />Pete Hallenbeck said this ranges from 0 to 20 members of the public, but there is no <br />trend. <br />Commissioner Rich said she thinks this is a problem. She thinks that when the Planning <br />Board is discussing what will be presented, the public should be there. <br />Commissioner Rich said there is something wrong when we are calling something a <br />public hearing when it is not a public hearing. <br />Commissioner McKee said he agrees that the public should be involved in the Planning <br />Board meetings, but most of the public knows that the final decision is made here. <br />Most of the public knows that the final decision is made by the Board of County Commissioners <br />Commissioner Dorosin said if you said the culture could be changed to encourage <br />people to go to the Planning Board hearings. He said he has talked to a lot of people on <br />different advisory boards, and he has heard the opinion that the elected officials yield undue <br />