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55 <br />solar array public hearing, he is definitely opposed to having these items on the Commissioner's <br />regular meeting schedules. He said it is very hard to predict what will generate a public <br />reaction, and it is hard to plan when there is no way to know when something may blow up. <br />He said it is reasonable to have the Planning Board comment after the Commissioners <br />have a public hearing. He said the rest of this just makes things more complicated. <br />Chair Jacobs pointed out on page 85 that staff states the Orange County's typical review <br />timeframe of 4 -5 months compares favorably to other North Carolina local governments. He <br />said the current process is not a burden to the development community. <br />Commissioner Dorosin said, as someone who has been pushing this kind of change, he <br />takes Commissioner Jacobs points well. He said his original concern with the current process is <br />that a public hearing is held and comments are taken, then these are sent to the Planning Board <br />for a meeting and discussion. He said the Planning Board comes back with its <br />recommendations, and then another Public Hearing is held with no actual public comments. He <br />said the renaming of this hearing is fine, but what is missing in the proposal is the fundamental <br />sequence of things. <br />Commissioner Dorosin suggested that the Planning Board should have a public hearing <br />or open meeting with notices to invite the public and take comments. He said after this the <br />Planning Board can submit its recommendation to the County Commissioners, who will then <br />hold a public hearing with public input. He said the public hearing could then be closed, and a <br />vote would be taken. He said this sequence would maximize the opportunity for public input. He <br />said whether this is done in one meeting or quarterly is a different question, but that is not the <br />main issue. <br />Commissioner Rich agreed with Commissioner Dorosin's suggestion, and she said this <br />is the way she has done it in the past. She said she also agrees with Chair Jacobs. <br />Commissioner Pelissier said she is not sure where she stands on the sequence, but her <br />main concern is the timing. She said she does not want to base everything on the one meeting <br />that took four hours for the special use permit. She does not think this would happen if the <br />changes were made to the special use permit process. <br />She said part of what motivated this was the issue of not having quorums, which could <br />be addressed by not requiring the Planning Board to be part of the public hearing. She said <br />there were also grave concerns that some of the simple projects had to wait so long for approval <br />because they had to wait for the quarterly public hearings. She said the goal is to balance <br />having a process that is not onerous but allows for public input. She is interested in having <br />greater opportunity than quarterly public hearings. <br />Commissioner Gordon said she has no objections to changing the process. She wants <br />to follow the principles of making sure the public has enough notice to find out what is going on <br />and to formulate their comments. <br />Commissioner Gordon said there should not be a minimum of 8 hearings, but there <br />should be a maximum of 8 hearings. She referenced information on page 96 regarding the <br />potential meeting dates, which stated that there were only seven months when hearings were <br />feasible, and she said this information seems to point to no more than 8 possible dates. She <br />said there was also information stating that if these hearings are part of the regular meeting, <br />the required notice is only 4 days, which is worse than the usual 10 days for public hearings. <br />She agrees with Chair Jacobs that it makes the meetings unpredictable if you have <br />public hearing items that have to be scheduled in. <br />Commissioner Gordon said she did not even think about the internal timing changes until <br />she saw the information about publishing notices prior to attorney, chair and vice -chair review. <br />She said this change would not be wise. <br />She thinks it would be a good idea for the Commissioners to have some kind of review <br />of the advertisements for the timing. <br />