Orange County NC Website
Article 6: Development Standards <br />Section 6.12: Signs <br />(A) Signs erected by a governmental agency to regulate, control, or direct vehicular or <br />pedestrian traffic; <br />Legal notices, warnings, regulatory or informational signs erected by a public a ency; <br />(C) \ee required by law; <br />(D) espassing" signs, not exceeding six square feet in area; <br />(E) state signs, not exceeding four square feet in area; <br />(F) emblems or insignia of any national, state or political subdiv' ion; <br />(G) rt number signs not exceeding two square foot in area a bearing only address <br />ers premises or other identification of premises not h ing commercial <br />tation (H) y decor ions in season that do not contain or disp y a commercial message; <br />(1) on trash re ptacles, indicating the owner or pa y responsible for maintenance; <br />(J) dous chemical entification /notification signs n residential and non - residential <br />ures; <br />(K) Signs on newspaper boxe <br />(L) Private drive signs, one per 've entrance of exceeding two square feet in area, with <br />the message content limited to e words Private Drive" and the address of any <br />residences utilizing the private ro wa , <br />(M) Security and warning signs posted o private property warning the public against <br />trespassing, or similar messages, ro i ed that any such sign does not exceed two <br />square feet in area; and <br />(N) Political Signs, in accordanc ith the follo ing standards: <br />(1) Political Signs are Ilowed in all zonin istricts. <br />(2) A Zoning Com lance Permit shall not be quired to allow for the placement of a <br />political sign private property. <br />(3) There sha be no limit to the number of politics signs that can be placed on <br />private operty so long as the placement of the signs complies with the <br />provis' ns of this Ordinance and the signs do not c ate a public safety hazard. <br />(4) Wi in residential zoning districts, political signs shall t exceed nine square feet <br />i area or four feet in height. <br />(5) Within non - residential zoning districts, political signs shall n t exceed the <br />maximum allowable sign area permitted for freestanding sign <br />( Political signs shall only be erected 90 days prior to the establis d date of a <br />general election, school board election, referendum, special electi , primary, or <br />other similar political activity. <br />(7) Political signs shall be removed within 21 days after an election. <br />(8) Political signs shall be allowed within rights -of -way of the State highwa\sytem <br />only in accordance with State law. <br />/ (9) Political signs shall not be allowed on telephone poles, utility poles, trees, other\ <br />similar natural objects, and other signs or sign structures. <br />6.12.6 Prohibited Signs <br />The following signs are prohibited in all zoning districts: <br />(A) Advertising signs resembling traffic signals, traffic signs, emergency vehicles' flashing <br />lights, non - governmental sanctioned signs utilizing the words `stop', `slow', `caution', <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 6 -78 <br />30 <br />