Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses 14 <br />Section 5.5: Standards for Residential Uses <br />In addition to the information required by Section 2.7, the following info tion <br />shall be supplied as part of the application for approval of this use: <br />(a) A description of the type facility planned, the number occupants, and <br />the development schedule. <br />(b) A site plan showing existing and proposejz6ntours. Proposed <br />bNWings, parking, access, service, re ation, landscaped and screened <br />(c) Other criteri s set forth in ctions 6.2.11 and 6.3. <br />(d) A statement conc i the provision of public services which shall <br />I fire, polic n scue protection. <br />(2) Standards of Eval ion — <br />(a) Ade to parking, access and sery areas are provided for the site. <br />(b) arking, service areas and buildings are quately screened from <br />adjacent residential uses. <br />(c) Improved recreational facilities are provided for occu nts. <br />(d) Other criteria as set forth in sections 6.2.11 and 6.3. <br />(e) Letters from public service agencies attesting to the adequacy <br />provision of public services such as fire, police and rescue. <br />5.5.9 Temporary Health Care Structures <br />(A) General Standards <br />(1) Submittal Requirements <br />In addition to the information required in Section 2.4, Zoning Compliance <br />Permits, the following information shall be supplied as part of the application for <br />approval of this use: <br />(a) Documentation as to the relationship between the occupant of the <br />temporary health care structure and the occupant(s) of the existing single <br />family dwelling. One of the following types of relationships must exist: <br />(i) First or second degree relative — a spouse, lineal ascendant, <br />lineal descendant, sibling, uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece and <br />includes half, step, and in law relationships <br />(ii) Relationship by marriage <br />(iii) Legal guardian relationship designated by Court of Law. <br />(b) Certification in writing from a North Carolina licensed physician stating <br />the necessity of direct care for an mentally or physically impaired <br />individual. <br />(2) Standards of Evaluation <br />(a) An existing single family residential dwelling must be located on the <br />same parcel as the temporary health care structure. Temporary health <br />care structures are classified as an accessory use to single family <br />detached dwellings. <br />(b) No more than one temporary health care structure per lot shall be <br />permitted. <br />(c) Temporary health care structures must meet all standards contained in <br />Section 5.5.1, Accessory Structures and Uses. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5 -48 <br />