Orange County NC Website
Wetlands are further defined in Article 22 of the Orange County Zoning <br />Ordinance as, "Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground <br />water at a frequency and duxation sufficient to support, and that under normal <br />circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in <br />saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and <br />similar areas." (Definition taken from EPA regulations at 40 CFR Section <br />230.3(t) and COE Regulations at 33 CFR Section 328.3(b), as of July 2°d, 2002.) <br />D.2. Floodplain - As defined in the Orange County Flood Damage Prevention <br />Ordinance, "Any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any <br />source." Floodplains in Orange County are delineated on an official map of an <br />Orange County, issued by the FEMA, on which FEMA has delineated the Special <br />Flood Hazard Areas and the floodways. This official map is a supplement to and <br />shall be .used in conjunction with the Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective <br />February 2, 2007, and as amended from time to time by Letters of Map <br />Amendment and Letters of Map Revision. <br />E. Steep Slopes - As defined in the Open Space Standards of the Orange County <br />Subdivision Regulations (Section IV-C.3 b.) in the following manner: Those <br />[slopes-topographic gradient] greater than 25 percent, identified as part o£ <br />0 The "Orange County, N.C. Soil Survey," prepared by the U.S.D.A. Soil <br />Conservation Service (1977); <br />F. Natural Areas,'and Wildlife Habitats [PKA Endangered and Protected F & F <br />Habitants] -- As defined in the Open Space Standards of the Orange County <br />Subdivision Regulations (Section IV-C.3 b.) in the following manner: [Those <br />areas] "identified as part of: <br />0 The "Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats of Orange <br />County," as prepared by the Triangle Land Conservancy in coordination <br />with the NC Natural Heritage Program (see LUE Map page 2.2.36 and <br />Table 2-2.38-40) [1988]; <br />0 The habitats are rated significant integrity and threat. <br />0 These areas are lands designated as... containing sensitive environmental <br />resources... (part of LUE RPA definitions page 3.3.3). <br />G. Historic and Archaeological Sites [includes cultural] -- As defined in the Open <br />Space Standards of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations (Section IV-C.3 <br />b.) in the following manner: [Those properties] "listed on the National Register of <br />Historic Places or included on the state's national register study list, designated as <br />a local historic landmark, designated as a local historic district, and/or identified <br />as having a high potential for archaeological remains as part of: <br />0 The "Chapel Hill Township Architectural Survey: Final Report" (1992); <br />0 The "Orange County Multiple Property Documentation Form: Historic <br />Resources of Orange County" (1993); <br />0 "An Archaeological Survey of Portions of Orange County, N.C."; <br />0 [2.2.49] <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />