Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 4 <br />The Affordable Housing tract general location was chosen because <br />the topography would allow it to flow by gravity to the southwest <br />where sewer is closest (as well as being least sensitive from a <br />biological standpoint). A smaller portion (4-5 acres) part of the 85.0 <br />acres Tract 3 site adjacent and south of Tract 2 Affordable Housing <br />could be used as parks and recreation space for the school and <br />community since it would not need gravity sewer. <br />Issue: New water lines of adequate size will have to be `looped' through <br />the future project to other existing facilities to accommodate water usage <br />and fire flow of proposed uses. [whether Affordable Housing and/or <br />school]. <br />d. TRANSPORTATION AND ACCESS <br />Presently Purefoy Road is the only constructs to the Greene Tract access <br />but a variety of possible access points are being examined to provide a <br />better access system to the area. The Chapel Hill Rogers Road Task <br />Force accented this additional access need. <br />Issue(s): Purefoy Road will have to be upgraded. Another access <br />/roadway will also need to be constructed to distribute traffic in the Green <br />Tract/Rogers Road area. Access pathways that connect to Rogers Road <br />north of Purefoy or to Eubanks Road west of the Solid Waste Operations <br />Center are viable alternatives. <br />Access to the east requires crossing of the railroad and traversing of the <br />open space tract. Access to the south is problematic because of the <br />length, topography, and subdivision road upgrading and bad access point <br />to Homestead Road. <br />e. AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRACT DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES (SCHOOLS?) <br />The Affordable Housing tract. is 18.1 acres and was situated within the <br />Green Tract because of its locational ability to have sewer extended, and <br />less-significant natural habitat. The amount of units or type of housing has <br />not been determined. Recent discussions with the Chapel Hill/Carrboro <br />school board may lead to adding part of this 18 acre site as another <br />elementary school site option while maintaining affordable housing <br />development potential. <br />The February meeting gave focus to a request pending from the Chapel <br />Hill Carrboro City School Board to site an elementary school on the <br />Greene Tract, and how its approval would impact intent and reservations <br />for open space and affordable housing as contained within the Inter Local <br />Agreement. It was understood that the CHCCS Board would be <br />approaching the Rogers Road Task Force to preview the possibility of a <br />public school site on the Greene Tract. That presentation took place on <br />March 13 and was favorably received by the Task Force. County staff in <br />attendance was able to provide a broad overview of site entry alternatives <br />and a baseline number of affordable housing units that might be <br />developed in concert with a school site. <br />