Orange County NC Website
~a <br />Greene Tract • <br />"The Headwaters Preserve and Campus" <br />March 74, 2008 <br />Guidin4 Principles for the 104Acre Jointly Owned Property <br />^ Future plans and uses of the property should ensure the protection of the <br />mature hardwood forest and wildlife habitat on the property. <br />^ Future plans and uses should protect water quality by the protection of <br />stream buffers for each of the three stream headwaters (Bolin Creek, <br />Booker Creek, Old Field Creek) that lie within the property. <br />a Future plans. and uses of the property should ensure protection of the two <br />archaeological sites on the property (the remains of the Byrd and Mills ~ . <br />homesteads). <br />^ The portion of the property designated for affordable housing should <br />adhere to community guidelines and goals for creating Liveable and <br />sustainable communities. <br />^ The portion of the property protected as open space should provide for <br />low-impact recreation (such as trails). <br />^.. A 100 foot corridor along the rail line should be retained for possible future <br />use by the jurisdictions that jointly own the property. <br />^ It may be desirable to identify an area for potential for playing fields near <br />the portion of the property designated for affordable housing. . <br />Proposed Conservation Easements <br />As an~added protection for the future well-being of the site, the Triangle Land <br />Conservancy has agreed to hold conservation easements on 1) the 86-acre <br />"open space" portion of the jointly-held property, and 2) Orange County's 60-acre <br />adjoining parcel. <br />The basic parameters of the two easements would include the. following:. <br />^ Protection of the natural and cultural resources and conservation values <br />on site in perpetuity. <br />^ Protection of water qual"rty through stream buffers and retention of forested <br />lands to help filter storrnwater. <br />^ Provision for unpaved•hiking trails designed in concert with the natural <br />setting and conservation values. • <br />^ Provisian far one paved greenway trail, designed in concert with the <br />natural setting and conservation values. <br />^ Provision for a mountain bike trail (non-motorized only) designed in <br />concert with the natural setting and conservation values. <br />~ The adopted 2002 resolution called for a new Warne to be given to this site, finis is one <br />suggestion. • <br />