Agenda - 04-08-2008-4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-08-2008
Agenda - 04-08-2008-4
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Last modified
8/29/2008 4:12:46 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 9:57:29 AM
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io <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Page 2 <br />March 14, 2008 <br />County may use the "[60 acres] for System purposes" except far <br />burying mixed solid waste or construction and demolition waste. <br />On the other hand, the remainder of the property, the 104 acre <br />parcel, is contemplated to be used for other than System <br />purposes and that if it is used for other than System purposes <br />there will be a "payment ~to the. County of a Reimbursement amount <br />for deposit in the System enterprise fund." Since the 104 acre <br />parcel is owned jointly by Carrboro, Chapel Hill and Orange <br />County, .reimbursement by the three governments to the System <br />enterprise fund for non-system use of the 104 acres will be in <br />proportion to their.ownership interests in the parcel (Carrboro <br />140, Chapel Hill 430, Orange County 430). <br />There is nothing in the language of the Agreement or the <br />Amendment that contemplates or provides for the 60 acre "System <br />purposes parcel to be used for otherr+than System purposes. .In <br />fact, that parcel was deeded from Carrboro, Chapel Hill and <br />Orange County solely for System purposes. At the time of the <br />Agreement and the Amendment, it was contemplated that the 60 <br />acres would be used for a MRF, transfer station or both. A copy <br />of the minutes of the July 7, 1999 Chapel Hill Town Council <br />meeting minutes provides a snapshot of this history. Further <br />evidence of the intent of the parties to the Agreement that the <br />60 acre parcel be dedicated to System purposes is the fact that <br />there is nothing in the Agreement or the Amendment that provides <br />for •reimbursement to the System enterprise fund ~in the event the <br />60 acre parcel is not used for System purposes. . <br />It is, of course, possible for Orange County and the towns <br />of Carrboro, Chapel Hill and Hillsborough to further amend the <br />Agreement to change the designation of the 60 acre parcel of the <br />Greene Tract from "reserved for System purposes" to, <br />essentially, the same designation as the remaining portion of <br />the Greene Tract. Given the staff and elected official work that <br />has been. done on Greene Tract uses, that seems to me to be <br />appropriate. If such an amendment is adopted by the parties to <br />the Agreement, then the 60 acre portion of the Greene Tract <br />would be available for other than System purposes triggering the <br />reimbursement to the System enterprise fund pursuant to the <br />Reimbursement provision of the Agreement. <br />
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