Orange County NC Website
If you have not received CDBG or HOME funding in the past three (3) years, please provide the <br />following information. Agencies and member governments that have been funded in the past three (3) <br />years and member governments carrying out projects entirely with their own staff may omit this section. <br />If your organization has received CDBG or HOME funding in the last three (3) years and is omitting this <br />section, please check this box: ❑ <br />A. Organization <br />What is your organization's ... <br />1. Mission statement? <br />2. Incorporation date (Month and Year)? <br />3. Estimated Total Agency Budget for FY 2014 -2015? $ <br />4. Total number of agency staff (full time equivalents): <br />Please describe your agency's experience and ability to carry out the proposed project. (This may <br />include your past achievements in carrying out similar projects, experience of key staff, collaborative <br />relationships with other agencies, or any other features relating to agency capacity that you consider <br />relevant). <br />1. How many Board Members should your organization have according to your by -laws? <br />2. How many Board Members does your organization actually have at this date? <br />3. How often does the Board meet? <br />4. What was the actual attendance at each of the last three regular Board meetings? <br />5. Have you failed to reach a quorum at any Board meetings in the last 12 months? <br />6. What efforts do you make to ensure that your Board represents the community it serves? <br />Page 8 of 9 <br />