Orange County NC Website
F. Project Details (continued) <br />3. Construction Details (continued) <br />d. What is the number of bedrooms in each unit? <br />e. What is the number of bathrooms in each unit? <br />f. Will the project participate in an energy efficiency program (e.g. Energy Star)? <br />i. If yes, please provide the details: <br />g. How many units will have full ADA accessibility? <br />i. Please provide details: <br />h. For rehabilitation projects, describe your lead -based paint abatement plan for property built <br />before 1978: <br />L How many households will have direct access to improved infrastructure? <br />i. Please describe: <br />j. Is the proposed project located in a Neighborhood Conservation District? (Neighborhood <br />Conservation Districts apply only to projects located in Chapel Hill.) <br />i. If yes, is your agency fully informed of the Neighborhood Conservation District <br />guidelines? (For more information about the Neighborhood Conservation District <br />guidelines, please contact Town staff.) <br />k. Please attach the following: <br />❑ Floor plan(s) <br />❑ Elevation(s) <br />4. Affordability, Marketing, and Supportive Services. <br />a. Describe any methods to ensure long -term affordability of housing units, including subsidy <br />recapture, equity sharing, deed restrictions, etc.: <br />b. What are the proposed rents (including utility costs) or sales prices for completed units? <br />c. Explain your agency's process for marketing to ensure an adequate pool of income - eligible <br />renters to buyers: <br />d. If supportive services will be coordinated with the project, please describe these: <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />