Orange County NC Website
Please provide a thorough description of the project (by answering the "who," "what," "when," and <br />"where" questions about your project). Do not assume the reader knows anything about the project. <br />A. Project Name <br />1. Please provide the name of your project. <br />B. "Who» <br />1. Client Group. Who is the targeted client group, and what are their needs? What objective data can <br />you provide in evidence of these needs? <br />2. Client Demographics. Please complete the following tables to the best of your ability. Show actual or <br />estimated numbers of beneficiaries, not percentages, in each category. In general, you should count <br />households as the beneficiaries for housing programs and erp sons for non - housing programs. Please see <br />Attachment 2 for the current income limits for the Durham - Chapel Hill MSA. <br />Note: Activities may benefit individuals and /or geographic areas. You may fill out one or more of these <br />tables, as appropriate. <br />Income Group* <br />Number of Beneficiaries <br /><30% of the Area Median Income (AMI) <br />Elderly (over 60) <br />31% -50% of AMI <br />Disabled (not elderly) <br />51 -80% of AMI <br />Homeless <br />>80% of AMI <br />People with HIV /AIDS <br />TOTAL <br />TOTAL <br />Special Needs Beneficiaries (if applicable) <br />Category <br />Number of Beneficiaries <br />Elderly (over 60) <br />Total Persons <br />Disabled (not elderly) <br />Homeless <br />People with HIV /AIDS <br />TOTAL <br />CDBG Area Benefit Activities (Infrastructure and Public Facilities)* <br />Street <br />Census Tract <br />Block Group <br />Total Persons <br />#LIVII Persons <br />* If your agency has any questions about these designations, please contact the Town or County staff. <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />