Orange County NC Website
0 <br />~ ~~~~„~- <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />~ d. School Sales Tax Reimbursements - Interiocal Agreements 'F" <br />The Board reviewed and considered approving interlocal agreements between the <br />County and each school system that will allow the County to pursue reimbursement for state <br />and local sales taxes paid to contractors on major school capital projects subject to final review <br />by County staff, County Attorney, and bond counsel and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br />Finance Director Ken Chavious summarized this item. He said that during the 2005 <br />session, the legislature rescinded the ability of the boards of education to claim refunds of sales <br />tax paid for all goods and services. At the September 26, 2005 joint meeting with the school <br />boards and County Commissioners, it was suggested that staff look into ways that these actions <br />could be changed to allow for the refund of the sales tax reimbursements. Staff provided <br />information on November 15th and the Board directed staff to develop the necessary <br />mechanisms. The Local Government Commission has since issued a memo related to this <br />issue, which is attached to the abstract. The memo clarifies how counties, under certain <br />circumstances, may request and receive sales tax reimbursements on school projects. The <br />memo also states that the legislature may take this issue up at the end of the short session with <br />the possibility of restoring this ability to the school boards. The mechanism is an interlocal <br />agreement between the school boards and the County. He described the agreement. <br />Chair Jacobs welcomed Lisa Stuckey, Chair of CHCCS Board. <br />Commissioner Carey asked for a review of the two mechanisms for the benefit of the <br />public. Bob Jessup said that the primary text is that whether it is a school board project or a <br />County project. If it is a school board project, it will not be eligible for the sales tax <br />reimbursement. If it is a County project, two main criteria are that the County be the owner of <br />the property and that the County be responsible for the work. They have accomplished both of <br />these in the agreement by providing for conveyance of property, subject to being re-leased back <br />to the school board for its use. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that it is a shame to have to go through this process to <br />benefit the children of this County. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve interlocal agreements between the County and each school system that will allow the <br />County to pursue reimbursement for state and local sales taxes paid to contractors on major <br />school capital projects subject to final review by County staff, County Attorney, and bond <br />counsel and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Draft Water Conservation Policv For County Facilities and Report on Water <br />Use and Performance IUleasures <br />The Board considered adoption of a Water Conservation Policy covering Orange County <br />government facilities and equipment, in follow up to the Board's Environmental Responsibility <br />goal and to receive a report on building water use and possible water conservation performance <br />measures. <br />John Link said that they have already brought forward policies how to make their <br />buildings more efficient and their vehicles more efficient and tonight they are bringing a policy <br />for water. <br />Public Works Director Wayne Fenton made a PowerPoint presentation and then <br />summarized water use and billing errors in the notebook. <br />Draft Water Conservation Policy and Water Use Report <br />Purpose Tonight <br />