Agenda - 04-08-2008-3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-08-2008
Agenda - 04-08-2008-3
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8/29/2008 4:13:47 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 9:57:07 AM
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Chapel Hill -Carrboro City Schools <br />Lincoln Center, Merritt Mill Road <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />Telephone: (919) 967-8211 <br />Fax: (919) 933-4560 <br />Neil Pedersen, Superintendent Stephen A. Scroggs, Assistant <br />Superintendent for Support Services <br />To: Pam Jones, Director of Purchasing <br />From: Stephen A. Scroggs, Assistant Superintendent <br />Re: Sales Tax Refund for Carrboro High School <br />Date: January 3, ?008 <br />The budget for Carrboro High School includes $500,000 of anticipated sales tax refunds. School <br />systems do not qualify for sales tax refunds associated with construction projects. Therefore, in order to <br />recoup the sales tax, ownership of the site and payment of the construction bills was transferred from <br />the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools to Orange County. This legal transaction is used by school <br />districts in order retain the large sums of money associated with sales tax. <br />While the Carrboro High School budget included 5500,000 of anticipated sales tax refunds, Ken <br />Chavious informed us last Fall that more than 5900,000 was refunded to the County as part of the high <br />school project. The County and School District should be commended for another successful <br />collaboration that benefits all the citizens of Orange County. <br />The school system is requesting approval to appropriate the approximately S400,000 of additional sales <br />tax refunds. These funds will be used for Carrboro High School needs that were deferred during <br />construction. The project's extensive offsite work resulted in more cost than initially planned. <br />Increased intersection improvements associated with the traffic light and paving the entire Rock Haven <br />Road are examples of large unanticipated expenses. These additional costs eliminated all contingency <br />funds and required that some areas of need be cut. <br />In addition, the school district applied 42 million dollars to the project from Pay As You Go funds and <br />allocated another $_500,000 from undesignated fund balance to help complete the project. <br />Projects that require attention and would be addressed with the 5400,000 include the following: <br />• Additional furniture that was reduced due to a lack of a senior class <br />• Performing Arts equipment and supplies, to start a drama program <br />• Spectator stands for the competition field <br />• Additional textbooks for the senior class <br />Thanks for you help in this matter. Please let me know if you need any additional information. <br />
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