Orange County NC Website
36 <br />8.8.17a5. Liability Insurance. <br />A holder of a Special Use Permit for a wireless support structure shall secure and <br />at all times maintain public liability .insurance for personal iniuries. death and <br />property damaae. and umbrella insurance coveraae. for the duration of the <br />Special Use Permit in the following amounts: <br />a. Commercial General Liability covering personal iniuries. death and <br />property damaae: $1.000.000 per occurrence/2.000.000 aaareaate: and <br />b. Automobile coveraae: $ per occurrence/ X2.000.000 <br />aaareaate: and <br />c. A X3.000.000 Umbrella coveraae: and <br />d. Workers Compensation and Disability: Statutory amounts. <br />For a wireless support structure on County property. the Commercial General <br />Liability insurance policy shall specifically name the County as an additional <br />insured. The insurance policies shall be issued by an agent or representative of <br />an insurance company licensed to do business in the State and vvith a Best's <br />rating of at least A. The insurance policies shall contain an endorsement <br />obligating the insurance company to furnish the Countv with at least thirty (30) <br />davs prior written notice in advance of the cancellation of the insurance. <br />Renewal or replacement policies or certificates shall be delivered to the County <br />at least fifteen (15) davs before the expiration of the insurance that such policies <br />are to renew or replace. <br />Before construction of a permitted facility is initiated. but in no case later than <br />fifteen (151 davs prior to the grant of the building permit. the holder of the Special <br />Use Permit shall deliver to the Countv a copy of each of the policies or <br />certificates representing the insurance in the reauired amounts. A Certificate of <br />Insurance that states that it is for informational purposes only and does not <br />confer rights upon the Countv shall not be deemed to comply with this Section. <br />PART III. That Article Twenty-two (22) Definitions be amended by creating a new <br />Section entitles Definitions -Telecommunication Facilities to read as <br />follows: <br />Article 8 of this Ordinance shall be defined as follows: <br />Accessory Use - A use incidental to. subordinate to. and subservient to the <br />principal use of the property. As defined in this section an accessory use is a <br />secondary use. <br />ntenna --A system of electrical conductor communications eauipment tha <br />transmits and/or receives electromagnetic radio signals used in the provision of <br />all types of wireless communications services, <br />pplicant - Anv wireless service provider or wireless support structure owner <br />submitting an application for a wireless facility. <br />