Orange County NC Website
34 <br />2) "NO TRESPASSING" warning signs shall be permanently <br />attached to the fence or wall and shall be spaced no more than <br />forty-(40) feet apart. <br />3) The letters for the "HIGH VOLTAGE - DANGER" and "NO <br />TRESPASSING" warning signs shall be at least six (6) inches in <br />height. The two (2) warning signs may be combined into one (1) <br />sign. The warning signs shall be installed at least five (5) feet <br />above the finished grade of the fence. <br />4} The warning signs may be attached to freestanding poles if the <br />content of the signs would, or could, be obstructed by <br />landscaping. <br />1) Signs noting federal registration (if required) shall be <br />attached to the tower structure in compliance with federal <br />regulation. <br />51 Facilities shall contain a sign no laraer than four (41 sauare feet to <br />provide adeauate notification to persons in the immediate area of <br />the presence of RF radiation or to control exposure to RF radiation <br />within a aiven area. Asian of the same size is also to be installed <br />to contain the name(s) of the owner(s) and operator(s) of the <br />antenna(s) as well as emeraencv phone number(s). The sian <br />shall be on the eauipment shelter or cabinet of the applicant and <br />be visible from the access point of the site and must identify the <br />eauipment owner of the shelter or cabinet. On tower sites. an <br />FCC reaistration site. as applicable, is also to be present. The <br />sians shall not be liahted. unless applicable law. rule or reaulation <br />reauires liahtina. <br />t) Equipment storage. Mobile or immobile equipment not used in direct <br />support of a tower facility shall not be stored or parked on the site of the <br />telecommunication tower, unless repairs to the tower are being made. <br />u) Signs and advertising. The use of any portion of a tower. for signs or <br />advertising purposes including company name, banners, streamers, etc. <br />shall be strictly prohibited. <br />8.8.17a.4. Removal of Wireless Support Structures and Facilities. <br />The owner of anv~facility shall be reauired to provide a minimum of thirty (301 <br />davs written notice to the County Clerk prior to abandonina anv facility. Under <br />the followina circumstances. the Countv may determine that the health. safety. <br />and welfare interests of the County warrant and reauire facility removal. <br />al ~ Facilities that have been abandoned (i.e. not used as facilities) for a <br />period exceedina ninety consecutive ninety (901 davs or a total of one <br />hundred-eiahty (1801 davs in anv three hundred-sixty five (3651 day <br />period. except for periods caused by force maieure or Acts of God. in <br />which case. repair or removal shall commence within ninety (901 davs of <br />abandonment: <br />