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55 <br /> of the Board to provide comments and explanations <br /> and a motion after each question. <br /> Walters expressed concern that too many restrictions <br /> would keep those in the area "on hold" and continue <br /> to allow them no use of their land. <br /> Waddell stated that each issue could be addressed <br /> individually and, hopefully, provide Commissioner <br /> Willhoit with answers to his concerns. <br /> Jobsis asked if it is possible to recommend that <br /> Planning Board does not promote removing permitted <br /> manufacturing from the I-40/Old NC 86 district. She <br /> noted that she felt it should not be limited <br /> further. Waddell responded that perhaps each issue <br /> should be voted on and verbalize feelings on both <br /> sides and give a rationale for those feelings. <br /> Burklin stated that he was pleased with the slate of <br /> permitted uses and the sites and the Design Manual. <br /> He indicated he felt the manual makes the permitted <br /> uses acceptable. He expressed concern regarding <br /> problems that might occur if some of these uses are <br /> placed adjacent to each other. He felt some of the <br /> uses would not be compatible with each other. He <br /> suggested that the EDC, after this is in place, very <br /> actively work to develop a vision for each of these <br /> that is based on market analysis and tries to work <br /> toward promoting, not restricting, compatible uses. <br /> He suggested that EDC work collectively with the <br /> individual landowners to find compatible uses. He <br /> felt a continual promotional effort would help <br /> toward finding such uses. <br /> Jobsis noted that the original work with EDC was <br /> very much along the same lines as the comments made <br /> by Burklin. The step-down idea of uses that would <br /> be blocked together was a part of the discussion. <br /> Collins agreed. One of the things that the Work <br /> Group focused on was looking at what the <br /> distribution might be in terms of the different <br /> uses. They reviewed several plans of how they might <br /> be located within each node. There was some <br /> discussion of doing some grouping as suggested by <br /> Burklin. The decision was made by the Work Group <br /> that it should be more flexible. It felt that those <br /> kinds of arrangements would be determined by the <br /> market place. EDC is already involved in such <br /> discussions. <br /> Burklin noted that he felt if a vision and a <br /> commitment to a vision is developed and gets <br /> publicized, some of the remaining concerns might be <br />