Agenda - 03-01-1994 - VII-A
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-01-94 Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 03-01-1994 - VII-A
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Last modified
2/9/2015 11:56:54 AM
Creation date
2/9/2015 10:53:09 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19940301
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1994
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13 <br /> PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH <br /> ESTABLISHMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS <br /> 1. Amend Article 4.2.19 - District Statements of Intent and Application Criteria [Economic Development (ED) <br /> District] by revising it to read as follows (wording to be deleted shown in ; new wording shown <br /> in boldface): <br /> Economic Development(ED)District <br /> a. Intent <br /> The purpose of the Economic Development (ED) District is to provide locations for a wide range of <br /> low inteft ei#y light industrial, inetiou4sis e�l, distribution,/lac space, office, and research service/retail <br /> uses Floc space typically includes <br /> one-story buildings designed c0nsblucAed and marketed as suitable for use as offices but able to <br /> aoeornmodo�e other user e.g.,warehouse,showroom,manufacturing,assembly or similar operations. <br /> way .Such areas have been targeted for economic duulapmait and are located <br /> adjacent b intrntoate and mgjar ar*nal highways. They are subject to special design criteria and <br /> performance standards used to minimise impacts beyond the space occupied by the use. <br /> b. Application Criteria <br /> This district will usually be applied when the following conditions exist: <br /> 1. Sib Thu district is located adjacent to a Federal Interstate Highway, with dipms seeege to <br /> or a meow arterial road <br /> 2. The sine district is located outside of the Chapel Hill - Carrboro Rural Buffer area as <br /> designated in the adopted Comprehensive Plan. <br /> -2. -4-14 ku she"be . . �i 0 Gem, and OU I@#@ shoU have fmnsege eps she kiepesete e <br /> 3. AA@ "M 2U rite district shall not be located within a the critical area of a designated water <br /> supply watershed <br /> 4. Urban services,such as water and sewer mains, are desirable, but not required if acceptable <br /> alternatives are available. <br /> 2. Amend Article 4.3-Table of Permitted Uses by deleting the list of permitted uses and providing the following <br /> notation in the ED row: <br /> Refer to Ardck 6.29-Deuekpnnent Stmnda,ds for z= n k D uclgxneW(RD)Districts. <br /> 3. Amend Article 5.1.2 - Eatabliahnnent of Dimensional Requirements (Schedule for Non-Residential <br /> Development) by deleting the existing standards and providing the following notation in the ED row: <br /> Refer to Amick 6.29-Daxlopment Standads for Re mantic Development(BD)Districts. <br />
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