DocuSign Envelope ID: D0190336-4C5C-477F-8902-D25F819470B6
<br /> cl. Costs for extended warranties, Credit Life 3• We will pay only for those expenses incurred
<br /> Insurance, Health, Accident or Disability during the policy period beginning 24 hours
<br /> Insurance purchased with the loan or lease, after the "loss" and ending, regardless of the
<br /> and policy's expiration, with the lesser of the
<br /> e. Carry-over balances from previous loans or following number of days,
<br /> leases. a. The number of days reasonably required to
<br /> repair or replace the covered "auto". If
<br /> Coverage does not apply to any unpaid amount "loss" is caused by theft, this number of
<br /> due on a loan for which the covered "'auto"' is not days is added to the number of days it
<br /> the sole collateral. takes to locate the covered "auto" and
<br /> N. PERSONAL PROPERTY OF OTHERS return it to you; or
<br /> A.4. Coverage Extensions is amended by adding 4. Our payment is limited to the lesser of the
<br /> the following-. following amounts:
<br /> We wiilll pay up to $500 for loss to personal property a. Necessary and actual expenses incurred:
<br /> of others in or on your covered "auto." or
<br /> This coverage applies only in the event of "loss" to b. $75 per day, subject to $2,250 limit.
<br /> your covered "auto" caused by fire, lightning,
<br /> explosion, theft, mischief or vandalism, the covered 5. This coverage does not apply while there are
<br /> "auto's" collision with another object, or the covered spare or reserve "autos" available to you for
<br /> .auto's" overturn. your operations.
<br /> No deductibles apply to this coverage. 6. .I I f"loss" results from the total theft of a covered
<br /> O. PERSONAL EFFECTS COVERAGE auto" of the private passenger type, we will
<br /> pay under this coverage only that amount of
<br /> SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, your rental reimbursement expenses which is
<br /> A.4. Coverage Extensions is amended by adding not already provided for under the Physical
<br /> the following; Damage — Transportation Expense Coverage
<br /> We will pay up to $500 for "loss" to your personal Extension included in this endorsement.
<br /> effects not otherwise covered in the policy or, if you 7. Coverage, provided by this extension is excess
<br /> are an individual, the personal effects of a family over any other collectible insurance and/or
<br /> member, that is in the covered auto at the time of the endorsement to this policy.
<br /> "Moss'". R. AIRBAG COVERAGE
<br /> For the purposes of this extension personal effects
<br /> means tangible property that is worn or carried by an SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE,
<br /> insured including portable audio, visual, or electronic B.3.a. Exclusions,is amended by adding the following:
<br /> devices. Personal effects does not include tools, If you have purchased Comprehensive or Collision
<br /> jewelry, guns, money and securities, or musical Coverage under this (policy, the exclusion relating to
<br /> instruments mechanical breakdown does not apply to the
<br /> P. EXTRA EXPENSE FOR STOLEN AUTO accidental discharge of an airbag,
<br /> A.4. Coverage Extensions is amended by adding The following is added to Paragraph C. Limit of
<br /> the following: Insurance of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE
<br /> We will pay up to $1,000 for the expense incurred COVERAGE
<br /> returning a stolen covered "auto" to you because of In the event of a total "loss" to your new covered
<br /> the total theft of such covered "auto". Coverage auto of the private passenger type or vehicle having
<br /> applies only to those covered "autos" for which you a gross vehicle weight of 20,000 pounds or less, to
<br /> carry Comprehensive or Specified Causes Of Loss which this coverage applies, we will pay at your
<br /> Coverage, option,-
<br /> Q. RENTAL REIMBURSEMENT a. The verifiable new vehicle purchase price you
<br /> SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, paid for your damaged vehicle, not including
<br /> A.4. Coverage Extensions is amended by adding any insurance or warranties,
<br /> the following: b. The purchase price, as negotiated by us, of a
<br /> 1. This coverage applies only to a covered "auto"for new vehicle of the same make, model, and
<br /> which PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is equipment, or most similar model available, not
<br /> provided on this policy. including any furnishings, parts, or equipment
<br /> 2. We Wil pay for rental reimbursement expenses not instalied by the manufacturer or their
<br /> incurred by you for the rental of an "auto" dealership.
<br /> because of "loss" to a covered "auto". Payment
<br /> applies in addition to the otherwise applicable
<br /> amount of each coverage you have on a covered
<br /> "auto". No deductibles apply to this coverage.
<br /> CA7450(7-14) Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties,Inc.with its permission, Page 3 of 4
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