Orange County NC Website
t ~t <br />that it ivi:ll on demand therefor pay to Landlord the reasonable <br />fee of such attorneys and such other expenses so incurred by <br />Landlord. <br />e. zn the event any agreement contained in this Lease <br />should be breached by either party and th:ezeafter wazved by tYie <br />other party, such waiver shah, be limited to the particular <br />breach so waived and shall not be deemed. to waive any other <br />breach hereunder... <br />12. Notices. A]I notices, certificates or other <br />eommuni:eations hereunder shal3; be sufficiently g.ivezZ and shall be <br />deeded given when maa.led by registered mai.l,, postage prepaid, <br />addressed as follows: I~ to. Landlord, at Orange County, <br />Caral,na, Office of Purchasing and Central Services, Post Office <br />Box 81.8., Hillsborough North Caro]:na 27278, .Attention of <br />Purchasing Dzrector+ i:f to Tenant, at 749p New Technology Way, <br />Fredrick, Maryland 21703:, Attention of Presa:den~. Landlord and <br />Tenant may by notice given hereunder,. del,gnate any further or <br />c3iffereiat address to which subsequent notices, certificates or <br />p'ther communa.catzons shall be sent , <br />7:3. Bzn~ng EffFCt,. This Lease shall inure to the. benefit <br />of and shall 'be bznding upon Landlord, Tenant and'. theiz <br />respective successors and assigns, subject, :however,, to .the <br />limitations contained herein. <br />T~. Severaba:I.ity. In the evex~~ any provision of t3iis Lease <br />shall be held invalid or unenforceable by ;any court of competent <br />jurisdiction, such holding shall nab :nva3.idate or render <br />unenforceable any othez provision hereof. <br />1S , Amendments., Chani~es aril Modifications , Except as <br />otherwise provided in this Lease, it may not be effectively <br />amended, changed, modified, altered ar Germinated without th.e: <br />writ:ten ;cc?ns.ent of Landlord and Tenant . <br />1.6 . Execution Counterparts . 'T'his Lease znay be executed .in <br />several counterparts:, :each Q~ which sha7.], be an original and aZl <br />of which shal3. constitczte butane and. the same instrument» <br />37 . N'P~t__ Lease. This Lease shall be deemed azd cQxis-trued to <br />be a "net:..l;ease," and Tenant shall pay absolute3y net during the <br />Lease Term the rent. and .all other payments. required hereunder, <br />Free of any deductions,. without: abat`eznent or set-of€ other than <br />those herein expressly provided., <br />.. Its WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have caused this <br />Lease to be executed in their' respective corporate names. and <br />their respective corporate seals Go be hereunto affixed and <br />attested by their duly authorized officers, alI as of :the date: <br />first above written.. <br />17 <br />