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Iq <br />Paragraph, :for a period of :thirty days after write:en notice, <br />specifying such failure and requesta~ng Ghat i be remedied, given: <br />to Tenant by Landlord, unless Landlord shawl agree iri writing to <br />an extension; of such. time prior to its expiration, or. if the <br />defaul>t be of a nature that; it not reasonably susceptible to <br />being cured within tYiirty (3`0) days., the: time to cure may be <br />extended. by Landlord so long as Teriai~t is: diligently attempting <br />to cure-ouch default. Landlord shall not unreasonably witlho.ld. <br />agreement to extend the tune period-to cure. <br />tiffs) The. dissolution or liquidation of Tenant or <br />the filing kiy Tenant of a voluntary petition in bankruptcy., or <br />fa'i ure by Tenant promptly to lift any execution., garnishment or <br />attachment of such consequence as will impair its ability tc, <br />carry on i s operations at the Premises, or the commission by <br />Tenant of any ,act of bankruptcy, or adjudication of Tenant as a <br />,bankrupt, or assignment by Tenana for the ,benefit of its <br />creditors, or the entry by Tenant into an agreement of: <br />c.ompasition with its creditors., or the. apprcival by a court of <br />competent jurisdiction of a petition applicable. to Tenant. in any <br />proceeding for its reorganization instituted, under the provisions <br />of the Sankriptey Act, as amended, or under any similar act which <br />may hereafter be enacted. The 'term "dissolution or liquidation <br />;af Tenant," as used in th subsection, shall not be construed to <br />include Elie cessation, of the corporate exs'terice- of Tenant.. <br />resu7.ting either from a merger or consolidation of Tenant into or <br />with another corporation or a dissolution or. iiqu.daton of <br />Teriari;t'following a transfer of a1.1 or substantially all of its <br />assets as an entirety.. <br />:. <br />The foregoing provisions of this Paragraph.are subjee,t to <br />the following limitations; If by-reason of force majeure Tenant <br />is unable in whole ar in part to carry out it agreements an its <br />part herein contained, other than the obligations on the part of <br />Tenant contained in Paragraphs '3.;a., b., and c:, 5, 6 and 9 <br />hereof, Tenant shall not be deemed in default during the <br />,. <br />continuance of such inability,, The term "force majeure" as used. <br />herein shall.:mean, without limitation, the ;following: .Acts of <br />'God:, Strikes; 1,o_ckouts or other industrial disturbances; acts of <br />public enemies; orders of any kind o.f the government of the <br />United States or of North Carolina or any of their departments, <br />a.gerices, or officials, or any civil or military :authority; <br />insurrections; riots; epidemics,- landslides; lightning; <br />:earthquake.; fire; hurricanes; s~arms.; floods; washouts; droughts:; <br />arrests; restraint of government and people; civil di turbances; <br />explosions; breakage or accident to. machinery; transmission pipes <br />or canals; partial or entire failure of utilities; or any other <br />cause or .event not rea onably within the control of Tenant: <br />Tenant agrees; however, to: remedy with all. reasonable dspaCch. <br />the cause or causes preventing Tenant from .carrying out .its <br />agreements; provided, that, the settlement of strikes, lockouts <br />and other industrial disturbances shall be entirely within the <br />discretion of Tenant, and Tenant shat not be required to make <br />settlement of strikes, lcickauts and other in.dust'ral disturbances <br />1S <br />