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<br /> In those jurisdictions where, by law, fellow EQUIPMENT COVERAGE
<br /> employees are not entitled to the protection In addition to the Each Accident Limit of Insurance
<br /> afforded to the employer by workers compensation and subject to the provisions of Paragraph C.2. of
<br /> exclusivity rule, or similar protection. The following Section III Physical Damage of the coverage
<br /> provision is added: form, we wall pay up to $5,000 for"'loss"' in any one
<br /> Subparagraph 5. of paragraph B. Exclusions in "accident" to all electronic equipment that
<br /> SECTION 11 LIABILITY COVERAGE does not reproduces, receives, or transmits audio, visual or
<br /> apply if the "bodily injury" results from the use of a data signals.
<br /> covered "auto"you own or hire. L. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE
<br /> SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A.4. Coverage Extensions is amended by adding
<br /> A.2. Towing is replaced with the following: the following:
<br /> We will pay for towing and labor costs incurred, If hired "autos" are covered "autos" for Liability
<br /> subject to the following: Coverage, and if Comprehensive, Specified
<br /> Causes of Loss, or Collision coverage is provided
<br /> a. Up to $100 each time a covered "auto" of the for any "auto" you own, then the Physical Damage
<br /> private passenger type is disabled-, or coverages provided are extended to "autos" you
<br /> b. Up to $500 each time a covered "auto"' other hire, subject to the following limit and deductible-,
<br /> than the private passenger type is disabled. (1) The most we will pay for loss to any hired
<br /> However, the labor must be performed at the place ,auto" is the lesser of Actual Cash Value or
<br /> of disablement. Cost of Repair, minus the deductible.
<br /> I. LOCKSMITH SERVICES (2) The deductible will be equal to the largest
<br /> SECTION III— PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, deductible applicable to any owned "auto' for
<br /> A.4. Coverage Extensions is amended by adding that coverage. No deductible applies to "loss"
<br /> the following: caused by fire or lightning.
<br /> We will pay up to $250 per occurrence for ( ) 'Subject to the above limit and! deductible
<br /> necessary locksmith services for keys locked inside provisions, we will provide coverage equal to
<br /> a covered private passenger "auto". The the broadest coverage applicable to any
<br /> deductible is waived for these services. covered "auto" you own.
<br /> J. PHYSICAL DAMAGE — TRANSPORTATION We will pay up to $1,1000, in addition to the limit
<br /> EXPENSES above, for loss of use of a hired auto to a
<br /> leasing or rental concern for a monetary loss
<br /> SECTION III— PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, sustained, provided it results from an "accident"
<br /> A.4. Coverage Extensions subparagraph a. for which you are legally liable.
<br /> Transportation Expenses is replaced by the M. AUTO LOAN OR LEASE COVERAGE
<br /> following:
<br /> (1) We will pay up to $75 per day to a maximum of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE
<br /> $2,500 for temporary transportation expense paragraph A.4. Coverage Extensions is amended
<br /> incurred by you because of the total theft of a by the addition of the following:
<br /> covered "auto" of the private passenger type. In the event of a total "loss," to a covered ':'auto"
<br /> We will pay only for those covered "autos" for which is covered under this policy for
<br /> which you carry either Comprehensive or Comprehensive, Specified Cause of Loss, or
<br /> Specified Cause Of Loss Coverage, We will Collision coverage, we will pay any unpaid amount
<br /> pay for temporary transportation expenses due, including up to a maximum of $500 for early
<br /> incurred during the period beginning 48 hours termination fees or penalties, on the lease or loan
<br /> after the theft and ending, regardless of the for a covered "auto", less-,
<br /> policy's expirations, when the covered "auto" is 1. The amount paid under the PHYSICAL
<br /> returned to use or we pay for its "loss", DAMAGE COVERAGE SECTION of the policy-,
<br /> (2) If the temporary transportation expenses you and
<br /> incur arise from your rental of an "auto" of the 2. Any.-
<br /> private passenger type, the most we will pay is
<br /> the amount it costs to rent an "auto" of the a. Overdue leaselloan payments at the time
<br /> private passenger type which is of the same of the"loss"";
<br /> like kind and quality as the stolen covered lb. Financial penalties imposed under a lease
<br /> "`auto,''' for excessive use, abnormal wear and tear
<br /> or high mileage,
<br /> c. Security deposits not returned by the
<br /> lessor;
<br /> CA7450(7-14) Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties,Inc.with its permission. Page 2 of 4
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