Agenda - 04-01-2008-4g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-01-2008
Agenda - 04-01-2008-4g
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8/29/2008 4:39:24 PM
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8/28/2008 9:55:23 AM
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2008-061 Health Dept - Consolidated Agreement with NC Dept of Health & Human Services
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
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O <br />Consolidated Agreement -Final <br />Page 3 of ] 9 <br />11. The Department shall provide formal training for their Board of Health (BOH) members through DHHS <br />sponsored offerings. The LTAT Branch shall notify the Department no later than April 30 of the name of <br />the contractor who is to provide this training during the upcoming fiscal year. First priority should be given <br />to training newly appointed members with the ultimate goal of having all BOH members trained as time and <br />resources allow. Continuing education updates on topics of special interest are strongly encouraged after <br />general board member orientation has been provided for all BOH Members. <br />12. The Department shall provide Network/Internet access at the Local Health Department (or to the county <br />network where desired) at a minimum speed of a full T-1 line in order. to: <br />• Connect with the North Carolina Health Alert Network (IRAN), Electronic Disease Surveillance System <br />(EDSS), hnmunization Registry (IR), Health Information System (HIS) <br />• Rapidly communicate a-mail alerts to and from the NC State Division of Public Health. regarding <br />bioterrorism and public health. topics (outbreaks, emergency alerts, etc) <br />• Access NCDPH training material and information used in self-study courses and PHTIN programs <br />• Build steps of a secure infrastructure for remote data entry in the local health departments <br />The LHD will maintain the above-described minimum connection. The LHD may choose any provider (ISP) <br />that they wish. The LHD will also ensure security of a minimum of a T-1 connection at the LHD location. <br />The LHD may utilize security products (i.e. firewalls) of their choosing to maintain network connectivity <br />and security integrity. The LHD network configuration and security practices must allow communication <br />with systems within the state network. <br />13. The Department shall incorporate basic elements of the North Carolina Public Health logo and themeliue <br />(slogan) into communication materials developed for programs and services that depend, in whole or' in part, <br />upon state fiuiding. Such communication materials could include: letterhead, business cards, brochures, <br />pamphlets, advertisements or announcements, signs and marketing/promotional materials. The Department <br />is encouraged to incorporate its own name with the logo. <br />B. FUNDING STIl'ULATIONS <br />1. Funding for this agreement is subject to the availability of State, Federal, and Special Funds for the purpose <br />set forth itn this agreement. <br />2. During the period of this agreement, the Department shall not use State, Federal or Special Project funds <br />received under this agreement to reduce locally appropriated funds as reflected in the Local Appropriations <br />Budget (see item C.2. below.} <br />3. The Department shall not use personal health program funds to support environmental health programs nor <br />use environmental health program funds to support personal health programs. <br />4. Fees generated by the Food and Lodging Fees Collection Program may only be used to support State and <br />Local food, lodging, and institution sanitation programs and activities. <br />5. Funds for Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention may be used to support both envronmental health and <br />child health activities. <br />6. The county shall submit monthly reports of On-Site Wastewater activities to the On-Site Wastewater Section <br />in Division of Environmental Health in the format provided by the Section. <br />7. The Department shall comply with Standards for Mandated Public Health Services, l0A NCAC 46, Section <br />.0200; and Administrative Procedures Manual for Federal Block Grant Funds, 1 NCAC 33, Sections .0100 - <br />.1502. <br />
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