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i~ <br />Consolidated Agreement - Finat <br />Page 14 of 19 <br />Either party may terminate this agreement for reasons other than non-compliance upon sixty (60) days written <br />notice. If termination should occur, the Department shall receive payment only for allowable expenditures. <br />The State may withhold payment to the Department until the State can determine whether the Department is <br />entitled to further payment or whether the State is entitled to a refund. <br />K. COMPLIANCE <br />l . The State shall respond to non-compliance with all terms of this agreement as follows: <br />a. Upon determination ofnon-compliance, the State shall give the Department sixty (60) days written <br />notice to come into compliance. If the deficiency is corrected, the Department shall submit a written <br />report to the State that sets forth the corrective action taken. <br />b. If the above deficiencies should not be corrected to the satisfaction of the State after the sixty (60) day <br />period, disbursement of funds for the particular activity maybe temporarily suspended pending <br />negotiation of a plan of corrective action. , <br />c.. If the deficiency is still not corrected within the next thirty (30) days following temporary suspension of <br />funding, program funds may be permanently suspended until the Department can provide evidence that <br />the deficiencies have been corrected. <br />d. In the event of the Department's non-compliance with clauses of this agreement; the State may cancel, <br />terminate, or suspend this agreement in whole or in part and the Department maybe declared ineligible <br />for fiu-ther State contracts or agreements. Such terminations for non-compliance shall not occur until (1) <br />the provisions of Section K-1 (a-c) have been followed, documented, and have failed to provide a <br />resolution, and (2) all other reasonable administrative remedies have been exhausted. <br />2. Subrecipient Monitoring -OMB Circular A-133 (Audits of States, Local Government, and Non-Profit <br />Organizations} as revised on June 27, 2003 requires that pass-through entities monitor the activities of their <br />subrecipients as necessary to ensure that federal awards are used for authorized purposes in compliance with <br />laws, regulations and the provision of contracts or grant agreements and that performance goals are <br />achieved. North Carolina establishes comparable monitoring requirements for State funds received by <br />subrecipients in N.C.G.S.143-6,2, Use of State funds by non-State entities, for non-State subrecipients, and <br />N.C.G.S.158-34, Annual independent audit: rules and regulations, for local units of government. Also, <br />DHHS-DPH must perform subrecipient monitoring:as required in, the DHHS Policy and Procedure Manual <br />entitled "Monitoring of Programs" dated August 1, 2002. <br />DHHS-DPH conducts monitoring in accordance with its Subrecipient Monitoring Plan dated January, 2006. <br />Additionally, each Local Health Department is required under Circular A-133, N.C.G.S.143-6.2 and <br />N.C.G.S.159-34 to perform monitoring of its subrecipients and to maintain records to support such <br />monitoring activities and results. Accordingly, the Department shall participate fully in subrecipient <br />monitoring by DHHS-DPH and shall appropriately monitor its subrecipients to the extent necessary based on <br />the assessed level of risk. <br />